1 - Via cdn
<script src="https://unpkg.com/codethereal-iconpicker@1.2.1/dist/iconpicker.js"></script>
2 - Via npm
npm i codethereal-iconpicker
import Iconpicker from 'codethereal-iconpicker'
3 - Or just download the git repo and get file under dist directory and import it
<script src="/path/to/iconpicker.js"></script>
new Iconpicker(document.querySelector(".iconpicker"));
new Iconpicker(document.querySelector(".iconpicker"), options);
document.querySelectorAll('.iconpicker').forEach(picker => new Iconpicker(picker))
(async () => {
const response = await fetch('https://unpkg.com/codethereal-iconpicker@1.2.1/dist/iconsets/bootstrap5.json')
const result = await response.json()
const iconpicker = new Iconpicker(document.querySelector(".iconpicker"), {
icons: result,
showSelectedIn: document.querySelector(".selected-icon"),
searchable: true,
selectedClass: "selected",
containerClass: "my-picker",
hideOnSelect: true,
fade: true,
defaultValue: 'bi-alarm',
valueFormat: val => `bi ${val}`
iconpicker.set() // Set as empty
iconpicker.set('bi-alarm') // Reset with a value
Use with font awesome
(async () => {
const response = await fetch('https://unpkg.com/codethereal-iconpicker@1.2.1/dist/iconsets/fontawesome4.json')
const result = await response.json()
new Iconpicker(document.querySelector(".iconpicker"), {
icons: result,
valueFormat: val => `fa ${val}`