Use script to install ARM version of .NET on ARM because of a UseDotNet bug #3037
Win22_Azure_ARM64_Sql net8_0_AnyCPU_NativeSNI_3 failed
Check failure on line 0 in tools\GenAPI\Microsoft.DotNet.GenAPI\Microsoft.DotNet.GenAPI.csproj
azure-pipelines / CI-SqlClient (Win22_Azure_ARM64_Sql net8_0_AnyCPU_NativeSNI_3)
tools\GenAPI\Microsoft.DotNet.GenAPI\Microsoft.DotNet.GenAPI.csproj(0,0): Error NU1301: Failed to retrieve information about '' from remote source ''.
Check failure on line 0 in tools\GenAPI\Microsoft.DotNet.GenAPI\Microsoft.DotNet.GenAPI.csproj
azure-pipelines / CI-SqlClient (Win22_Azure_ARM64_Sql net8_0_AnyCPU_NativeSNI_3)
tools\GenAPI\Microsoft.DotNet.GenAPI\Microsoft.DotNet.GenAPI.csproj(0,0): Error NU1301: Response status code does not indicate success: 401 (Unauthorized - No local versions of package ''; please provide authentication to access versions from upstream that have not yet been saved to your feed. (DevOps Activity ID: BD290552-D36D-48AC-8631-61A26BB2C7B5)).
Check failure on line 0 in tools\GenAPI\Microsoft.DotNet.GenAPI\Microsoft.DotNet.GenAPI.csproj
azure-pipelines / CI-SqlClient (Win22_Azure_ARM64_Sql net8_0_AnyCPU_NativeSNI_3)
tools\GenAPI\Microsoft.DotNet.GenAPI\Microsoft.DotNet.GenAPI.csproj(0,0): Error NU1301: Failed to retrieve information about '' from remote source ''.
Check failure on line 0 in tools\GenAPI\Microsoft.DotNet.GenAPI\Microsoft.DotNet.GenAPI.csproj
azure-pipelines / CI-SqlClient (Win22_Azure_ARM64_Sql net8_0_AnyCPU_NativeSNI_3)
tools\GenAPI\Microsoft.DotNet.GenAPI\Microsoft.DotNet.GenAPI.csproj(0,0): Error NU1301: Response status code does not indicate success: 401 (Unauthorized - No local versions of package ''; please provide authentication to access versions from upstream that have not yet been saved to your feed. (DevOps Activity ID: BD290552-D36D-48AC-8631-61A26BB2C7B5)).
Check failure on line 113 in build.proj
azure-pipelines / CI-SqlClient (Win22_Azure_ARM64_Sql net8_0_AnyCPU_NativeSNI_3)
build.proj(113,5): Error MSB3073: The command " dotnet build -c Release -p:ReferenceType=Project" exited with code 1.