Identity SPA application use my functional C#/JS libraries in real-world scenarios.
- backend: main focus is on cookies and OAuth2 authentications.
- frontend: main focus is on rendering, routing and states management using jsx components.
- ASPNET-like security libraries.
- React-like core library.
- React-like routing library.
- React-like redux library.
- backend-api project manage signin/signout cookies and OAuth2 requests.
- backend-app project static files server over wwwroot folder.
- frontend-app module contains index files and resources [scripts, images].
- frontend-components module contains jsx components used to build SPA UI.
- generate localhost certificates and install CA certificate in browsers see here.
- create backend-api/secrets.json file and set OAuth2 providers credentials see here structure.
dotnet restore
dotnet build --no-restore
./ # docker exec -it -u root identity-app chmod u+x /workspaces/identity-app/
- tested only with Google OAuth2 provider. Reopen-closed accounts Twitter & Facebook wip.
- ASPNET Core used to run backend api & app.
- Deno used to build frontend app & components.