This module will allow you to create a full IAM password policy which is applied to allow your IAM users.
Simple source the module from your terraform code and pass in the required variables.
module "password-policy" {
source = "../../modules/aws-iam-password-policy"
region = "eu-west-1"
minimum_length = 16
require_lowercase = true
require_uppercase = true
require_numbers = true
require_symbols = true
allow_user_change = true
hard_expiry = false
maximum_age = 30
reuse_history = 24
The module has 5 variables which do the following:
- Region - which aws region you want the resource to be built in. (Default: eu-west-1)
- Minimum length - The shortest length a password can be (Default: 16 characters)
- Require lowercase - Must the password contain lowercase characters (Default: True)
- Require uppercase - Must the password contain uppercase characters (Default: True)
- Require numbers - Must the password contain numbers (Default: True)
- Require symbols - Must the password contain symbols (Default: True)
- User Change - Whether to allow users to change their own password (Default: True)
- Harx Expiry - Whether users are prevented from setting a new password after their password has expired (i.e. require administrator reset) (Default: False)
- Reuse History - The number of previous passwords that users are prevented from reusing. (Default: 24)