Thruway is a Client and Server Library that aims to be compatible with the Autobahn project and WAMP v2 (Web Application Messaging Protocol).
Basically, we like the WAMP idea, but we wanted to be able to work with it in PHP.
Please feel free to ask us what is going on or make suggests or fork it and make a pull request.
Create a directory for the test project
$ mkdir thruway
Switch to the new directory
$ cd thruway
Download Composer more info
$ curl -sS | php
Download Thruway and dependencies
$ php composer.phar require "voryx/thruway":"0.2.*"
Start the WAMP server
$ php vendor/voryx/thruway/Examples/SimpleWsServer.php
Thruway is now running on port 9090
use Thruway\ClientSession;
use Thruway\Connection;
require __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';
$onClose = function ($msg) {
echo $msg;
$connection = new Connection(
"realm" => 'realm1',
"onClose" => $onClose,
"url" => 'ws://',
$connection->on('open',function (ClientSession $session) {
// 1) subscribe to a topic
$onevent = function ($args) {
echo "Event {$args[0]}\n";
$session->subscribe('com.myapp.hello', $onevent);
// 2) publish an event
$session->publish('com.myapp.hello', array('Hello, world from PHP!!!'), [], ["acknowledge" => true])->then(
function () {
echo "Publish Acknowledged!\n";
function ($error) {
// publish failed
echo "Publish Error {$error}\n";
// 3) register a procedure for remoting
$add2 = function ($args) {
return $args[0] + $args[1];
$session->register('com.myapp.add2', $add2);
// 4) call a remote procedure
$session->call('com.myapp.add2', array(2, 3))->then(
function ($res) {
echo "Result: {$res}\n";
function ($error) {
echo "Call Error: {$error}\n";
You can also use AutobahnJS or any other WAMPv2 compatible client.
Here are some [examples] (
Here's a plunker that will allow you to run some tests against a local server