A Telegram bot bridge other IM (qq, wechat, etc.) conversations together.
- go
- ffmpeg (optional for qq/wechat audio)
docker run -d -p 11111:11111 --name=octopus --restart=always -v octopus:/data lxduo/octopus:latest
Create a bot with @BotFather, get a token. Set /setjoingroups Enable and /setprivacy Disable
- configure.yaml
api_url: # Optional, Telegram local bot api server
local_mode: true # Optional, local server mode
admin_id: # Required, Telegram user id (administrator)
token: 1234567:xxxxxxxx # Required, Telegram bot token
proxy: # Optional, proxy for Telegram
page_size: 10 # Optional, command list result pagination size
archive: # Optional, archive client chat by topic
- vendor: wechat # qq, wechat, etc
uid: wxid_xxxxxxx # client id
chat_id: 123456789 # topic enabled group id (grant related permissions to bot)
telegraph: # Optional
enable: true # Convert some message to telegra.ph article (e.g. QQ forward message)
proxy: # Optional, proxy for telegra.ph
- abcdefg # telegra.ph tokens
addr: # Required, listen address
secret: hello # Required, user defined secret
send_timeout: 3m # Optional
level: info
All messages will be sent to the admin directly by default, you can archive chat by topic or /link specific remote chat to a Telegram group.
/help Show command list.
/link Manage remote chat link.
/chat Generate a remote chat head.