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  • Make circle grow on Android more smooth
  • Add animation on press back
  • Add back button
  • Fix circleGrow on Android
  • Animated API
  • Navigator (react-native-router-flux)

Install at local

Open Terminal, then type command:

git clone

Go to project folder :

cd react-native-login-screen

Type following command :

npm install

You must have ANDROID_HOME environtment variable, to check if you already have, type in your terminal :


If blank, you can read at HERE

Make sure you have already installed React Native globally by running this command :

sudo npm install -g react-native-cli

At this point, you should be able to run the project. To run your project on your device/emulator at Debug configuration, type :

npm run android-dev

Or if you want to run at iOS simulator, run:

npm run ios-dev

If you have error message like Execution failed for task ':app:dexDebug'. run this on your terminal :

npm run android-clean

To build .apk file just type :

npm run android-release

You must sign .apk with keystore, to do this just type in your terminal :

npm run android-signer

The .apk file is located at react-native-login-screen/android/app/build/outputs/apk/app-release-unsigned.apk

Available Command

npm run ... Description
adb-reverse Reset port ADB to tcp:8081
ios-dev Run iOS project with Simulator set to "iPhone 5"
ios-bundle Bundle with entry file index.ios.js
ios-build Run ios project with “Release” configuration
android-clean Fix building android if preDexDebug error
android-build-debug Build android .apk with “Debug” configuration
android-release Build android .apk with “Release” configuration
android-signkey Generate keystore android
android-signer To sign app-release-unsigned.apk with random keystore
android-dev Run android development-mode on simulator
android-bundle Bundle with entry file
