Project1 - Password Visibility
- This project is a script that let’s users toggle the visibility of a password field.
- Lesson NOTES
- Codepen Project
Project2 - Multiple Password Visibility
- This project is a script that let’s users toggle the visibility of multiple password fields.
- Lesson NOTES
- Codepen Project
Project3 - Multiple Forms Toggle
- This project is a script that let’s users toggle the visibility of multiple password fields (username and change passwords).
- Lesson NOTES
- Codepen Project
Project4 - Character Count
Project5 - Character & Word Count
- This project is a script counts both words and characters in a textarea field.
- Lesson NOTES
- Codepen Project
Project6 - Announce Count
- This project is a script counts both words and characters in a textarea field.
- Codepen Project
Project7 - Random Ron
- This project uses the Fetch API to display random quotes from Ron Swanson.
- Codepen Project