iup provides Scala Native bindings for the IUP multi-platform toolkit for building graphical user interfaces.
The goal of this project is to provide easy-to-use Scala Native bindings for the IUP user interface library. Ultimately, all functions will be covered, and all sample C applications in chapters 3 and 4 of the Tutorial as well as in the chapter 7GUIs Implementation in IUP will be translated.
The more "programmer friendly" part of this library is found in the io.github.edadma.iup
package. That's the only
package you need to import from, as seen in the example below. The other package in the library
is io.github.edadma.iup.extern
which provides for interaction with the Libiup C library using Scala Native
interoperability elements from the so-call unsafe
namespace. There are no public declarations in
the io.github.edadma.iup
package that use unsafe
types in their parameter or return types, making it a pure
Scala bindings library. Consequently, you never have to worry about memory allocation or type conversions.
Two of the libraries (iup
and img
) have been built and placed in the native-lib
folder. To use them, include the following in your build.sbt
nativeConfig ~= { c => c.withLinkingOptions(c.linkingOptions :+ "-L${baseDirectory.value}/native-lib") }
Include the following in your project/plugins.sbt
addSbtPlugin("com.codecommit" % "sbt-github-packages" % "0.5.3")
Include the following in your build.sbt
resolvers += Resolver.githubPackages("edadma")
libraryDependencies += "io.github.edadma" %%% "iup" % "0.1.2"
Use the following import
statement in your code:
import io.github.edadma.iup._
The following examples are translated directly from chapter 2 of the Tutorial without any changes, except for increasing the margin in the last example.
Example 2.1 Initialization
import io.github.edadma.iup
import io.github.edadma.iup.Result
object Main extends App {
if (iup.open == Result.ERROR) {
println("Error opening window")
iup.message("Hello World 1", "Hello world from IUP.")
Example 2.2 Creating a Dialog
import io.github.edadma.iup
import io.github.edadma.iup.{Position, Result}
object Main extends App {
if (iup.open == Result.ERROR) {
println("Error opening window")
val label = iup.label("Hello world from IUP.")
val dlg = iup.dialog(iup.vbox(label))
dlg.TITLE = "Hello World 2"
dlg.showXY(Position.CENTER, Position.CENTER)
Example 2.3 Adding Interaction
import io.github.edadma.iup
import io.github.edadma.iup.{Handle, Position, Return, Result}
object Main extends App {
val btn_exit_cb = (_: Handle) => {
iup.message("Hello World Message", "Hello world from IUP.")
/* Exits the main loop */
if (iup.open == Result.ERROR) {
println("Error opening window")
val button = iup.button("OK", null);
val vbox = iup.vbox(button);
val dlg = iup.dialog(vbox)
dlg.TITLE = "Hello World 3"
/* Registers callbacks */
button.ACTION = btn_exit_cb
dlg.showXY(Position.CENTER, Position.CENTER)
Example 2.4 Adding Layout Elements
import io.github.edadma.iup
import io.github.edadma.iup.{Handle, Position, Return, Result}
object Main extends App {
val btn_exit_cb = (_: Handle) =>
/* Exits the main loop */
if (iup.open == Result.ERROR) {
println("Error opening window")
val label = iup.label("Hello world from IUP.")
val button = iup.button("OK", null);
val vbox = iup.vbox(label, button)
val dlg = iup.dialog(vbox)
dlg.TITLE = "Hello World 4"
/* Registers callbacks */
button.ACTION = btn_exit_cb
dlg.showXY(Position.CENTER, Position.CENTER)
Example 2.5 Improving the Layout
import io.github.edadma.iup
import io.github.edadma.iup.Implicits._
import io.github.edadma.iup.{Handle, Position, Return, Result}
object Main extends App {
val btn_exit_cb = (_: Handle) =>
/* Exits the main loop */
if (iup.open == Result.ERROR) {
println("Error opening window")
val label = iup.label("Hello world from IUP.")
val button = iup.button("OK", null);
val vbox = iup.vbox(label, button)(alignment = "acenter", gap = 10, margin = 30 x 10)
val dlg = iup.dialog(vbox)
dlg.TITLE = "Hello World 5"
/* Registers callbacks */
button.ACTION = btn_exit_cb
dlg.showXY(Position.CENTER, Position.CENTER)
API documentation is forthcoming, however documentation for the IUP C library is found here. Build instructions for the C libraries are here.
This project is licensed under the ISC. The IUP C libraries (included in the native-lib
folder) are under the Tecgraf Library License, which is a permissive MIT type license.