0.3.0 (2021-02-08)
Bug Fixes
- all-create-game: update review to false as default (8ee0a84)
- app-board: add parent when writing locked by (9e49451)
- app-board: allow null for game cardState zIndex (559551d)
- app-board: disable drag on locked cards (fdca908)
- app-board: rename wrong stop listen hook (44e649c)
- app-board: reset card displacement on move end (4e299bd)
- app-board: start listen on game after connection write (4663044)
- app-board: update cards write to fit rules (307517a)
- app-board: update fit to window to cope with no cards (7038e0c)
- app-board: update reset cards translation (ad6d93d)
- app-components: fix input import for storybook (c5b7d26)
- app-components: restore broken password input and button (0432d84)
- app-general: add link variants and minor fixes (e63dba4)
- app-general: improve firefox compatibility (cb1c420)
- app-general: remove unused imports (19b52be)
- app-general: rename conflicting svg class names (7c66cce)
- app-general: sync models and fix rtdb logic (fdb7588)
- app-load-balancing: correct status path (06d4afc)
- app-load-balancing: fix build and sagas (5de154e)
- common-general: allow null for cardState zIndex (1340d48)
- common-general: make moveAt optional (ca254c7)
- database-rules: add rules draft (e7fa3f1)
- database-rules: fix database rules and tests (c698e62)
- database-rules: fix test javascript termination and rules (a577c5a)
- database-rules: temporary fix rules (f6bdb75)
- database-rules: update read check at game level (f973dbc)
- functions-general: clear rtdb from game when last user (41aba6a)
- functions-general: fix client offline error and move game handling (bcfb4b5)
- functions-general: fix job import (b24caaa)
- functions-general: fix transaction retrials for best instance (0c6dc26)
- functions-general: update naming for not allowed square bracket (129f074)
- functions-load-balancing: correct instance id trigger (521b8bb)
- functions-load-balancing: fix functions build (c9e8133)
- functions-load-balancing: fix functions linting errors (d7880fc)
- functions-load-balancing: improve connections diff increment (58b30ab)
- functions-load-balancing: remove empty file (88cf7d4)
- functions-load-balancing: remove lockedBy cards query (39a1bde)
- functions-load-balancing: remove multiple init of same database (0002f4a)
- functions-load-balancing: remove unused import (4a4351f)
- functions-load-balancing: restore game createdAt field correctly when moving from rtdb (6a3fd3b)
- functions-load-balancing: return present instance if available (77b21f7)
- all-board: add review to rules and game creation (c2f9e4e)
- all-general: add region to rtdb instances fixture (73a2c98)
- all-general: add review to game model (8a77ade)
- all-signup: add firstName and lastName fields (d73d004)
- app-board: add card transition on other players movement (1b9062f)
- app-board: add card zindex to keep last upfront (221c045)
- app-board: add cards scroll over panel tools (85bac8d)
- app-board: add confirm exit dialog (50d494f)
- app-board: add custom zoom pan component (c1134c6)
- app-board: add fit to window functionality (08e9ae4)
- app-board: add game rules real text content (5e8a87f)
- app-board: add in deck search functionality (ea4ec4a)
- app-board: add initial cards state fetch to avoid glitch (0cc781b)
- app-board: add initial game listen implementation (5df5235)
- app-board: add initial rules overlay structure (4ca6d2b)
- app-board: add listen to review changes (3c71190)
- app-board: add loading overlay while fetching game (86922f8)
- app-board: add offline management for card position, lock and estimation (6908f41)
- app-board: add rtdb saving of game events (a598dd0)
- app-board: add small animation on card drag start (82c43c7)
- app-board: add testId to exit game dialog (4352d41)
- app-board: add trigger review flow (1ad8936)
- app-board: add zIndex db support (dd1704c)
- app-board: add zoom in/out buttons (06c8d99)
- app-board: improve stop listening to game change (71a9161)
- app-board: limit zoom to max scale (aac5424)
- app-board: make offline overlay blocking (a5154a0)
- app-board: misc ui fixes (f5ab794)
- app-board: update initial pan on left center (5dcd83d)
- app-components: add input stories (78f96fa)
- app-components: add loading spinner to button (cba2362)
- app-components: button not change width on loading (6e8e633)
- app-create-game: add review default value (70bba4d)
- app-create-game: align game creation to new model (15f80e1)
- app-create-game: update ui (39673fe)
- app-dashboard: add join game button (303c78f)
- app-dashboard: update ui (3e9cdb6)
- app-general: add enter to submit to forms (6b37725)
- app-general: add glass effect fallback (7bfd20c)
- app-general: add synchronous rtdb initialization (b4b228e)
- app-general: improve game model (0c40348)
- app-general: improve signin and signup ui (fc9140b)
- app-general: move loading into button in forms (ae72740)
- app-general: update game model (fd73bc3)
- app-load-balancing: add logic to balance game load (2fcc81c)
- app-load-balancing: add start and stop polling and listen to status (9e5c261)
- app-load-balancing: update game handling for new connections logic (56292ec)
- app-load-balancing: update load-balancing logic (93a32de)
- app-login: update login ui (fbd6ec5)
- app-signup: update email verification dialog (0ff5402)
- app-signup: update ui (2d69667)
- common-general: add cjs build as main and region field to RTDBInstance model (e3524f1)
- common-general: add models (89c4bb1)
- common-general: add movedAt to game model (0473a55)
- common-general: add zIndex to cardState (6f6e72d)
- common-general: improve game model (bbfab85)
- common-general: remove firebase dep (d29bb33)
- common-general: update game and rtdb related models (8a0bad6)
- database-general: update rules (36a5c16)
- database-rules: add rules and tests (6ac726a)
- database-rules: add rules and tests to support zIndex (76ec7b7)
- firestore-general: align game creation rules and tests to new model (7afdd7e)
- firestore-rules: add test for reads (73c0d3c)
- firestore-rules: update rules (d7e425e)
- functions-general: add deploy of functions to all rtdb instances (d447cac)
- functions-load-balancing: adapt to new common model (a14d488)
- functions-load-balancing: add cards zIndex normalization (c0f921d)
- functions-load-balancing: add functions to control game load balance (0f38224)
- functions-load-balancing: add multiple game ids logic (a4be30d)
- functions-load-balancing: update functions to new connections logic (efc295e)
- functions-load-balancing: update game move logic (72da50c)
- functions-load-balancing: update logic removing cron job (bc171f5)