macOS and developer environment preferences
git clone ~/dev/elainenaomi/dotfiles
ln -s ~/dev/elainenaomi/dotfiles ~/.dotfiles
asdf list-all elixir
asdf install erlang 22.0.4
asdf install elixir 1.8.2
asdf global erlang 22.0.4
asdf global elixir 1.8.2
export KERL_CONFIGURE_OPTIONS="--disable-debug --without-javac"
asdf install erlang <version>
If the .tool-versions are defined, just run:
asdf install
Install Package Control
Install Local Dependencies
# Create your layout directory
$ mkdir ~/.itermocil
# Edit ~/.itermocil/sample.yml (look for sample layouts in this very ``)
# There are also a variety of example files in 'test_layouts' directory in this repo
$ itermocil --edit sample
# Run your newly-created sample layout
$ itermocil sample
git config --global core.excludesfile ~/.dotfiles/apps/git/.gitignore Ref:
Use the Settings Sync