- ide nnya adalah menerima inputan dari si user
- input terdiri dari 2 type, yang pertama inputan untuk mengjkonfigurasi data untuk koneksi ke broker service
- input ke dua untuk input kondifugrasi message yang akan di broadcast
- input konfiogurasi broker setelah seelesai akan di simpan di satu file di dalam folder /config/broker.json, jika bbaru pertama kali di jalannkan app akan nmeminta inputan unutk konfig ke message broker, namun jika suddah pernah melkkukan konfig, maka app akan memberikan opsi membikin baru konfig atau pakai konfig yag sudah aada
make sure you're has node js installed on the server
pull this codebase
configure your broker envoirontment as example
build this app with npm run build
generate config file for publishing within format :
docker run -it --rm --name <name-of-container> -v "$PWD":/usr/src/app -w /usr/src/app node:latest node build/index.js generate-config <path-of-config-file-generation> <topi> <locomotive/anoteher-message-context>
example to generate config file wich will be placing configured file inside :
try it :
docker run -it --rm --name generate-config-script -v "$PWD":/usr/src/app -w /usr/src/app node:latest node build/index.js generate-config dev/docker test CC201
, -
the generated file will be has a name same as
arguments and placed inside<topic>
folder wich is placed inroot-to-our-project/build/dev/docker/
as we defined when generating conffig process -
after that run publish command, to runnnig publishing fake data: just tell docker to run our generated configuration, example
docker run -it --rm --name publish-script -v "$PWD":/usr/src/app -w /usr/src/app node:latest node build/index.js publish /dev/docker/test/CC201/CC201.json test 1000
just clone / pull from this repo
build this image with command
docker build -t <image-name> .
after that just run the image as a container within command
docker run -d --name <container-name>
then just running node js script to publlish message inside the created docker container for this image ex :
docker exec -it -rm <container-name> /bin/bash