✨ Preview CryptoKet 🌍
This template should help get you started developing with Svelte in Vite.
- Login to account (authentication access)
- Create a new item (Upload data + image)
- Fetch Nft items.
- Clone repository
- Install packages
- Start cryptoKet
- 🍰 Frontend UI
- SvelteJs: UI Library 😃
- TailwindCss: class-based 🎨 CSS style
- Iconify: Icon library 👃
- ViteJs: 🤔
- Vitest: Testing 🧪
- 🍝 Backend & API 🌵
- MongoDB: Database 🪣
- ExpressJs : API & routes 🔌
- JWT authentication 🔏
- Cloudinary: Image storage (cloud) 🧃
Stores in SvelteJs
: The whole concept of external stores and states felt different at first. With expectations of using stores and states the same way I usually do in ReactJs and NextJs.
- Passing functions as props: Passing props in svelte components is required using the
keyword. I always had to declare arrow functions using thelet
keyword. Although I intentionally 🧐 avoided using thedispatch
in Svelte.
The UI design figma file used for this project was created by the designer & downloaded for free at UI8.com