This is a portfolio that brings together projects with diverse skills and knowledge of programming, web development and web design offering a comprehensive view of my work. With an approach focused on good design and development practices, each project is presented in a unique way, highlighting the technologies and solutions used.
- HTML5, CSS3, JS ES6+
- Node e Pnpm
- React
- React-icons
- React-calendly
- React-slick
- React-hook-form
- React-router-dom
- Slick-carousel
- Tailwind CSS
- Typescript
- Sonner
- Clsx
- Vite
- Responsiveness
- Scroll navigation between sections
- Animated social media menu
- Contact button (redirection to an page for )
- Slider carousel to technologies (hard skills)
- Slick carousel to projects
- Form that sends emails through EmailJS
- Scheduling consultations through a page that renders an embedded Calendly element
Install the project with the following command
pnpm install
Run this project with the following instruction
pnpm dev
To run the tests in the application you can run the following command
This project no have any tests to be runned
To deploy this project, execute
Front-end: HTML5, Tailwind CSS, React, React-slick, React-calendly, React-router-dom, React-icons, Slick-carousel, Sonner, Clsx, @Emaijs/Browser, Typescript, Vite
Back-end: Not used
This project is under MIT license.