This solution was found because the traditional Docker and DDEV setup was too slow for Local Development. This solution increases the speed of Drupal Local Development environment up to 10 times by using WSL2 in Windows. With this solution, Admin pages are opened within 3-4 seconds at the latest.
You can install the extension on Visual Studio Code and create a more effective working environment.
BLT will be unsupported on December 31, 2024. Therefore, if you are using BLT in your project, I recommend using Drush instead of BLT.
- Delete existing docker Desktop and DDEV
- If you already have a working build, you don't need to do anything in this step. Open WSL2. You can open PowerShell and type wsl to check if it is on.
- Download the .wslconfig file and move it to C:\Users\USER. You can update this file according to your own computer specifications. It works most efficiently with 2GB RAM. Try to give a minimum of 2GB RAM.
- Start PowerShell as administrator.
- Enter the command
wsl -l -v
.- You need to delete the unused ones in the list that appears.
- For example
wsl --unregister DISTRO_NAME
=wsl --unregister Ubuntu-16.04
- Enter the command
wsl --install Ubuntu-22.04
to install Ubuntu 22.04. - You will be prompted for username and password. Enter this information and continue. Remember the password because you will need it in the future.
- On the Ubuntu system, enter the command
sudo apt update && sudo apt -y upgrade
. It will ask you for a password and enter the password you set above. - Enter the command
sudo mkdir /home/USER/.ssh && sudo cp /mnt/c/users/USER/.ssh/* /home/USER/.ssh
to copy SSH files on Windows to Ubuntu. - When the installation is complete, type
and exit. - Enter the following commands via PowerShell (for ddev installation);
Set-ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Scope Process -Force; [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol -bor 3072;
iex ((New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString(''))
- Close PowerShell when the installation is complete.
- Open the file manager. On the left side, under Linux, go to the Ubuntu-22.04 folder.
- Navigate to home/USER.
- Open a folder named projects to work comfortably.
- Put your existing Drupal project in this folder. *This is important. Your project should be inside WSL2 for best performance.
- Open this project in Ubuntu with VS Code or whatever editor you are using.
- Put the docroot folder into the main project. There is only settings.local.php file in this directory. Thanks to the codes I added at the end of the file, you can connect to remote SOLR servers.
- When adding a terminal with + in the terminal tab in VS Code, open the Ubuntu-22.04 (WSL) one or you can open it by typing wsl in the terminal.
- Mutagen reduced the performance of my computer a lot. So I had to turn off Mutagen. Turn off Mutagen by entering the following command.
ddev mutagen reset && ddev config global --performance-mode=none && ddev config --performance-mode=none
- Enter the command
sed -i 's/^M$//' .ddev/commands/web/blt && sed -i 's/^M$//' .ddev/commands/web/acli
to fix the line endings. - After this step, it proceeds like a standard DDEV installation.
sudo chmod 777 docroot/sites/default/files/*
ddev start
ddev composer install
ddev auth ssh
ddev ssh
sudo blt setup
- To open cmd in the relevant location, write
where the folder directory information is written, if you want to open WSL you can writewsl
. - You can write
wsl --shutdown
to close WSL2. - If we move the tar.gz file we get while importing the database into the WSL system and open it with the command
tar -xf filename.tar.gz
, we will be 10 times faster. - We can use
ddev import-db --file=./filename.sql && ddev drush updb -y -vvvv && ddev drush uli
command sequence for database import.
- There is a database import problem in the ACLI command I added to the system.
ddev acli pull:database