This is a RestFul api for Authentication with Spring Security using JWT
- Register: Anyone with email and password create an account
- Login: User can login to the api and get the Json Web Token valid for 1 hour
- Change Password: User with JWT can change Password by sending old and new password if user has logged in.
- Forgot Password: User with JWT can get an email with Reset Password JW Token in a link
- Reset Password: User with JWT can use the this link to reset Password by sending new Password.
- Logout: User with JWT can logout from the Api
- Private Area: User with JWT can get private information
- Verifications for Email and strong password
HTTP Method | URL | Header | Request Body | ResponseBody | Description |
POST | /public/register |
Nothing | {email, password} | {Message} | Create an User |
POST | /public/authenticate |
Nothing | {email, password} | {JWT} | get the JWT valid for 1 hour to use in header in next requests |
GET | /public/forgot_password |
Nothing | {email} | {Message} | to get an email with Reset Password JWT in a link |
POST | /public/reset_password |
Nothing | {newPassword,uuid} | {Message} | reset password by using uuid(get from link) |
POST | /auth/change_password |
Valid JWT Token | {email,oldPassword,newPassword} | {Message} | to change the password when user is already authenticated |
GET | /auth/private |
Valid JWT Token | Nothing | {[data]} | to get the private information in real case |
POST | /auth/logout |
Valid JWT Token | Nothing | {Message} | to destroy the JWT token |
- Try to use Auth routes without user-authenticaton: resulted with receiving an Unauthorized message:
$ curl http://localhost:8080/auth/private
- Create a User:
$ curl --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
--request POST \
--data '{"email":"","password":"Test123."}' \
User created%
- Try to login with user information:
- We receive the JWT token valid for 1 hour
$ curl --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
--request POST \
--data '{"email":"","password":"Test123."}' \
- Now try to go private area by using jwt token in Header:
$ curl --header "Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJIUzUxMiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ0ZXN0QGdtYWlsLmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTYxNzI3MzI4MiwiaWF0IjoxNjE3MjY5NjgyfQ.wSl1_akdGJzbFgNNNYo4K6A0OWpJzI2aXGaxr5rvi3R5XbHG7w_fZMT6vgVmkrziV-fzgjiZyylP7Su-kb4_pg" \
--request GET \
You are in the private area now%
- Change Password when you logged in:
$ curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJIUzUxMiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ0ZXN0QGdtYWlsLmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTYxNzI3MzI4MiwiaWF0IjoxNjE3MjY5NjgyfQ.wSl1_akdGJzbFgNNNYo4K6A0OWpJzI2aXGaxr5rvi3R5XbHG7w_fZMT6vgVmkrziV-fzgjiZyylP7Su-kb4_pg" \
--data '{"oldPassword":"Test123.","newPassword":"Abcd123."}' \ --request POST \
Password Successfuly Changed%
- Log Out by using JWTToken in Header
$ curl --header "Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJIUzUxMiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ0ZXN0QGdtYWlsLmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTYxNzI3MzI4MiwiaWF0IjoxNjE3MjY5NjgyfQ.wSl1_akdGJzbFgNNNYo4K6A0OWpJzI2aXGaxr5rvi3R5XbHG7w_fZMT6vgVmkrziV-fzgjiZyylP7Su-kb4_pg" \
--request POST \
You are successfully logged Out%
- Forgot Password:
$ curl --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
--request POST \
--data '{"email":""}' \
Reset password Link is sent your email%
- In Console:
: Email
: This link should be consumed for reset password
: http://localhost:8080/public/reset_password/f1ad76fa-d360-451b-ab12-aff98db028c4
- Use UUID Reset Password Key to reset password:
curl --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
--request POST \
--data '{"newPassword":"Xyz123.", "uuid":"f1ad76fa-d360-451b-ab12-aff98db028c4"}' \
Your password is reset successfully%