This repository includes a Power BI file that is used to help gather and analyze admissions data. The project was apart of my SP-24 senior design course. I had the opportunity to present this data in front of members of Trinity's executive team to help gather requirements and write notes for future developers of the dashboard.
NOTE: For privacy reason, I used mock data as the source, not real student and admissions data.
Description of Pages
Main Slicer: This page serves as a "remote" for the other pages in the report. Users can select options for data that they are looking for, and this will apply to every page in the report.
Department Enrollment: This page gathers specific enrollment information for each department at Trinity. It also gives further information about ethnicity and gender for each department.
Admitted/Deposit Progress: This page gives information for progress towards the admitted and deposit goals that admissions sets for themselves. The graphs includes running totals for each year, starting from the first application/deposit of each applied term. The lines in each chart represent the specific goals that admissions sets for themselves.