Follow this guide to get the basic nodes set up with k3s.
Or you can execute the scripts of this repository as super-user, e.g. chmod +x && sudo ./
Simply run sudo ./k3s-init/
Run the following commands:
helm repo add argo-cd
helm dep update argo-cd/
kubectl create namespace argo-cd
helm install -n argo-cd argo-cd argo-cd/
Access the GUI via kmaster.local:30080
. The user is admin
and to get the password, run the following command:
kubectl -n argo-cd get secret argocd-initial-admin-secret -o jsonpath='{.data.password}' | printf "Password: $(base64 -d)\n"
- Create Ansible configuration for new raspberry pi nodes
- Allow access via domain names such as argocd.kmaster.local or endpoints like kmaster.local/argocd (if that is actually possible)
- Create PV/PVC (persistent volume + claim) support, using storage on a local NAS