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Everscale .NET Client

Everscale is secure and scalable network. Lets do this network convenient both for users and developers!

Quick start

Be careful! no network endpoints provided as default

Typical .Net application

dotnet add package EverscaleNet.Client

Blazor WASM application

dotnet add package EverscaleNet.WebClient

Ready to use everywhere

public class YourEverService {
    private readonly IEverClient _everClient;

    public YourEverService(IEverClient everClient) {
        _everClient = everClient;
    public string GetEverSecretPhase() {
        var mnemonic = await _everClient.Crypto.MnemonicFromRandom(new ParamsOfMnemonicFromRandom());
        return mnemonic.Phrase;


There is easy option to load contracts abi, tvm, keys or code info from files or web in this client.

Now available following async methods:

public interface IEverPackageManager {
    Task<Package> LoadPackage(string name); // Load whole package within Abi, Tvc, KeyPair and Code
    Task<Abi> LoadAbi(string name);         // deserialize abi json to Abi
    Task<string> LoadTvc(string name);      // compiled contract in base64
    Task<KeyPair> LoadKeyPair(string name); // deserialize keypair to KeyPair 
    Task<string> LoadCode(string name);     // Load Code as text

Default contracts path is _contracts. Be careful, Blazor WASM app will search for _contracts relative to wwwroot.

Advanced client configuration

See configuration client parameters:

Example configuration for typical client

  .AddEverClient(client => {
        client.Network.Endpoints = new[] { "" };
        client.Network.NetworkRetriesCount = 5;
    }, packageManager =>
        packageManager.PackagesPath = "_my_contracts"; // path to files, _contracts is default
        packageManager.AbiFileTemplate = "{0}.abi.json"; 
        packageManager.TvcFileTemplate = "{0}.tvc";
        packageManager.KeyPairFileTemplate = "{0}.keys.json"; 
        packageManager.CodeFileTemplate = "{0}.code"; 

Example configuration for Blazor Wasm client

  .AddEverWebClient(client => {
         client.Network.Endpoints = new[] { "" };
     }, packageManager => {
         packageManager.BasePath = ""; // can be builder.HostEnvironment.BaseAddress
         packageManager.PackagesPath = "_my_contracts"; // path relative to `wwwroot`
     }, libWeb => { 
         // configuring js wasm wrapper
         // see
         libWeb.DisableSeparateWorker = false;
         libWeb.BinaryUrl = "/_content/EverscaleNet.Adapter.Wasm/eversdk.wasm";

Blazor WASM sample

Configure options by appsettings.json or another configuration provider

Example for appsettings.json

  "EverClient": {
    "Network": {
      "Endpoints": [ "" ],
      "WaitForTimeout": 5000
  "PackageManager": {
    "PackagesPath": "_my_contracts"


Fully compatible with

Prototype type extensions

There are a few properties with type JsonElement in data models. And this client provide methods to easy convert this properties to/from Prototype.

Convert to Prototype example:

ResultOfParse parseResult = await everClient.Boc.ParseMessage(new ParamsOfParse
var parsedPrototype = new {type = default(int), id = default(string)};
var parsedMessage = parseResult.Parsed!.Value.ToPrototype(parsedPrototype);

_logger.LogInformation("Parsed message id: {id} type: {type}",, parsedMessage.type);

Convert from Prototype example:

await everClient.Net.WaitForCollection(new ParamsOfWaitForCollection
    Collection = "transactions",
    Filter = new {in_msg = new {eq =}}.ToJsonElement(),
    Result = "id"

Testing Framework and AppKit

dotnet add package EverscaleNet.AppKit
dotnet add package EverscaleNet.Testing

There are a few useful things in the libs

EverscaleNet.AppKit - simplify work with contracts and accounts

  • AccountBase - used to create C# contact wrappers
  • IMultisigAccount(MultisigAccount) - base for mutisig wallet
  • automatically compile all sol and tsol files in your project

Solidity compiling parameters(set with PropertyGroup or -p parameter):

  • SolCompilerVersion (default: latest)
  • TVMLinkerVersion (default: latest)
  • ContractsBasePath (default: _contracts)

EverscaleNet.Testing - simplify the testing

  • InitKeyPairService - hosted service to add KeyPair with random keys to DI
  • IEverGiver(EverGiverV3) - giver interface configured by GiverOptions (SE keys by default)
  • InitMultisigAccountService - hosted service to init MultisigAccount

see examples for testing framework


Support us

This project has no funding, but everyone can support.

Surf Wallet: 0:9b487d68e4f029ab6d92640892d99d1c549ae69b198df414e905350559a165bf