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acarsdec is a multi-channels ACARS decoder with built-in rtl_sdr, soapysdr, airspy or sdrplay device support. Since 3.0, it can work with a database backend: acarsserv to store received ACARS messages.


  • arbitrary number of channels decoded simultaneously (limited by bandwidth and CPU power)
  • error detection AND correction
  • input via either audio file (including raw audio), ALSA soundcard, rtl_sdr, SoapySDR, airspy or sdrplay software defined radios (SDR)
  • multiple simultaneous outputs via file, UDP or MQTT
  • multiple output formats: one line, full text, planeplotter, acarsserv, JSON and live monitoring
  • decoding of ARINC-622 ATS applications (ADS-C, CPDLC) via libacars library
  • statistics reporting via StatsD-compliant interface


GPLv2-only -

Copyright: (C) 2015-2022 Thierry Leconte 2015-2022, (C) 2024 Thibaut VARENE

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.

See for details



acarsdec requires CMake, pkg-config and a C compiler.

It depends on some optional external libraries :


mkdir build
cd build
cmake .. -DCMAKE_C_FLAGS="-march=native"

All optional libraries will be autodected, a summary of what is enabled will be printed by cmake.

The -DCMAKE_C_FLAGS="-march=native" argument to cmake will produce an acarsdec executable that is optimized for the machine it was built on (and may not run correctly on other devices). It can be ommitted for a platform-generic build (with possibly reduced performance).

Raspberry Pi builds

It seems that the compile option -march=native may be problematic on Raspberry Pi.

In that case, one can use the following cmake parameter instead in the above procedure:

  • for PI 2B : -DCMAKE_C_FLAGS="-mcpu=cortex-a7 -mfpu=neon-vfpv4"
  • for PI 3B : -DCMAKE_C_FLAGS="-mcpu=cortex-a53 -mfpu=neon-fp-armv8"
  • for PI 4B : -DCMAKE_C_FLAGS="-mcpu=cortex-a72 -mfpu=neon-fp-armv8"


sudo make install


acarsdec operation can be controlled via multiple command line parameters (the availability of which depends on which optional libraries have been enabled at build time), they are detailed below:

Common options

 -i <stationid>	station id used in statsd reports and network destinations (default: hostname)
 -A		don't output uplink messages (ie : only aircraft messages)
 -e		don't output empty messages (ie : _d,Q0, etc ...)
 -b <filter>	filter output by label (ex: -b "H1:Q0" : only output messages  with label H1 or Q0)
 -t <seconds>	set forget time (TTL) in seconds for monitor mode (default: 600)

 --statsd host=HOST,port=1234		enable statsd reporting to host "HOST" (name or IP) on port "1234"
 --output FORMAT:DESTINATION:DESTPARAMS (see below for supported output formats and destinations. DESTPARAMS are coma-separated: ',')

If libacars is enabled, the following extra option is available:

 --skip-reassembly	disable reassembling fragmented ACARS messages

Multiple instances of --output can be used. At least one is required. See --output help for a list of supported formats and destinations. Not all combinations of formats and destinations are valid, acarsdec will complain if an invalid combination is chosen.

One (and only one) input source must also be selected, see below. Options (including frequencies) can be provided in any order.

Supported output formats

  • oneline for single line text decoding
  • full for full text decoding
  • monitor for live decoding
  • pp for PlanePlotter
  • native for Acarsdec native format

With CJSON support enabled:

  • json for JSON output
  • routejson for flight route output in JSON format

Supported destinations

file output

Outputs to a file (including stdout, the default). Supports all output formats.

DESTPARAMS are optional (no param implies output to stdout) and can be:

  • path= followed by either - for stdout or a path to a logfile
  • rotate= followed by one of none, hourly or daily to dis/enable hourly/daily logfile rotation
udp output

Outputs to IPv4 or IPv6 network via UDP. Supports all but monitor output formats.


  • host= (required) followed by a hostname or an IP address
  • port= (optional) followed by a port number (defaults to 5555)
mqtt output

With PAHO MQTT support enabled, pushes JSON to remote MQTT server. Supports only json and routejson output formats.


  • uri= (required) followed by a valid MQTT URI (e.g. tcp://host:port). Can be repeated up to 15 times.
  • user= (optional) followed by a username
  • passwd= (optional) followed by a password
  • topic= (optional) followed by a topic (defaults to acarsdec/<stationid>)

Input sources


 --rtlsdr <device>	decode from rtl dongle number <device> or S/N <device>
 -g <gain>		set rtl gain in db (0 to 49.6; >52 and -10 will result in AGC; default is AGC)
 -p <ppm>		set rtl ppm frequency correction (default: 0)
 -m <rateMult>		set rtl sample rate multiplier: 160 for 2 MS/s or 192 for 2.4 MS/s (default: 160)
 -B <bias>		enable (1) or disable (0) the bias tee (default is 0)
 -c <freq>		set center frequency to tune to in MHz, e.g. 131.800 (default: automatic)

Airspy R2 / Mini

 --airspy <device>	decode from airspy dongle number <device> or hex serial <device>
 -g <linearity_gain>	set linearity gain [0-21] (default: 18)

Note: acarsdec will try to set the R820T tuner bandwidth to suit given frequencies. See


 --sdrplay 		decode from sdrplay
 -L <lnaState>		set the lnaState (depends on the device)
 -G <GRdB>		gain reduction in dB's, range 20 .. 59 (default: -100 is autogain)
 -c <freq>		set center frequency to tune to in MHz, e.g. 131.800 (default: automatic)


 --soapysdr <params>	decode from a SoapySDR designed by device_string <params>\n"
 -g <gain>		set gain in db (-10 will result in AGC; default is AGC)\n"
 -p <ppm>		set ppm frequency correction (default: 0)\n"
 -c <freq>		set center frequency to tune to in MHz, e.g. 131.800 (default: automatic)\n"
 -m <rateMult>		set sample rate multiplier: 160 for 2 MS/s or 192 for 2.4 MS/s (default: 160)\n"
 -a <antenna>		set antenna port to use (default: soapy default)\n");

All SDR sources described above expect a list of frequencies <f1> [<f2> [...]] to decode from, expressed in decimal MHz e.g. 131.525 131.725 131.825.

audio file

All formats supported by libsndfile can be processed.

 --sndfile <file>	decode from <file>, which must be a libsndfile supported format and sampled at a multiple of 12.5kHz

To decode raw audio, extra parameters must be provided. Example:

 --sndfile <file>,subtype=<N>	decode single-channel raw in libsndfile-supported <N> subtype from <file> sampled at 12.5KHz.

For raw audio, the sample rate multiplier can be adjusted using -m. See --sndfile help for more details.

libsndfile-supported subtypes are listed here:

NB: <file> can be /dev/stdin to process piped-in data.

ALSA device

 --alsa <alsadevice>	decode from ALSA PCM device <alsadevice>


Decoding from rtl dongle number 0 on 3 frequencies, sending aircraft messages in native format to on port 5555 and no other loging :

acarsdec -A --output native:udp:host=,port=5555 --rtlsdr 0 131.525 131.725 131.825

Monitoring from rtl dongle with serial number ACARS2 on 1 frequency with gain 34.0 :

acarsdec --output monitor:file -g 34 --rtlsdr ACARS2 130.450

Logging to file "airspy.log" rotated daily, from airspy mini with serial number 0xa74068c82f531693 on 11 frequencies with gain 18 :

acarsdec --output full:file:path=airspy.log,rotate=daily -g 18 --airspy 0xa74068c82f531693 129.350 130.025 130.425 130.450 130.650 131.125 131.475 131.550 131.600 131.725 131.850

Decoding with JSON output to stdout, an sdrplay device using Soapy driver, and specifying Antenna C :

acarsdec --output json:file:path=- --soapysdr driver=sdrplay,agc_setpoint=-15 -a "Antenna C" 130.025 130.450 130.825 131.125 131.550 131.650 131.725

Decoding 7 channels from rtl dongle with serial '86000034', filtering empty messages, setting ppm correction to 36, gain to 48 dB, full text to stdout, sending JSON to with station ID "MY-STATION-ID", sending statsd data to host "statsd.lan" port "8125":

acarsdec -e -i MY-STATION-ID --output full:file --output,port=5550 -p 36 --rtlsdr 86000034 -g 48 131.550 130.825 130.850 131.525 131.725 131.825 131.850 --statsd host=statsd.lan,port=8125

Decoding raw CPU-endian single-channel PCM16 from stdin, providing one line per message on stdout:

acarsdec --sndfile file=/dev/stdin,subtype=0x02 --output oneline:file

Output formats examples

One line by mesg format (--output oneline:file)

    #2 (L:  -5 E:0) 25/12/2016 16:26:40 .EC-JBA IB3166 X B9 J80A /EGLL.TI2/000EGLLAABB2
    #3 (L:   8 E:0) 25/12/2016 16:26:44 .G-OZBF ZB494B 2 Q0 S12A 
    #3 (L:   0 E:0) 25/12/2016 16:26:44 .F-HZDP XK773C 2 16 M38A LAT N 47.176/LON E  2.943

Full message format (--output full:file)

    [#1 (F:131.825 L:   4 E:0) 25/12/2016 16:27:45 --------------------------------
    Aircraft reg: .A6-EDY Flight id: EK0205
    Mode : 2 Label : SA Id : 4 Ack : !
    Message no: S31A :
    [#3 (F:131.825 L:   3 E:0) 25/12/2016 16:28:08 --------------------------------
    Aircraft reg: .F-GSPZ Flight id: AF0940
    Mode : 2 Label : B2 Id : 1 Ack : !
    Message no: L07A :
    /PIKCLYA.OC1/CLA 1627 161225 EGGX CLRNCE 606
    46N020W 45N027W 44N030W 40N040W 36N050W
    34N055W 32N060W 27N070W
    FM ETIKI/1720 MNTN F340 M083
    END O

Monitoring mode (--output monitoring:file) (wait for a while before output begins)

                 Acarsdec monitor
     Aircraft Flight  Nb Channels   Last     First
     .CN-RNV  AT852X   9 .x.      16:25:58 16:21:05
     .F-HBMI  ZI0321   1 .x.      16:25:52 16:25:52
     .F-GSPZ  AF0940   6 ..x      16:25:21 16:22:30
     .D-ABUF  DE0252   1 .x.      16:25:20 16:25:20

JSON mode (--output json:file)

    {"timestamp":1516206745.249615,"channel":2,"freq":130.025,"level":-24,"error":2,"mode":"2","label":"RA","block_id":"R","ack":false,"tail":".N842UA","flight":"","msgno":"","text":"QUHDQWDUA?1HOWGOZIT\r\n ** PART 01 OF 01 **\r\nHOWGOZIT 1412-17 SJC\r\nCI: 17        RLS: 01 \r\nSJC 1615/1625     171A\r\nBMRNG    1630 37  159-\r\nTIPRE    1638 37  145\r\nINSLO    1701 37  125\r\nGAROT    1726 37  106\r\nEKR      1800 ","end":true,"station_id":"sigint"}

JSON route mode (--output routejson:file) (wait for a while before output begins)


with libacars and ARINC 622 decoding

    [#2 (F:131.725 L:-33 E:0) 30/11/2018 19:45:46.645 --------------------------------
    Mode : 2 Label : H1 Id : 3 Nak
    Aircraft reg: G-OOBE Flight id: BY01WH
    No: F57A
    #M1B/B6 LPAFAYA.ADS.G-OOBE0720BD17DFD188CAEAE01F0C50F3715C88200D2344EFF62F08CA8883238E3FF7748768C00E0C88D9FFFC0F08A9847FFCFC16
    ADS-C message:
     Basic report:
      Lat: 46.0385513
      Lon: -5.6569290
      Alt: 36012 ft
      Time: 2744.000 sec past hour (:45:44.000)
      Position accuracy: <0.05 nm
      NAV unit redundancy: OK
      TCAS: OK
     Flight ID data:
      Flight ID: TOM1WH
     Predicted route:
      Next waypoint:
       Lat: 49.5972633
       Lon: -1.7255402
       Alt: 36008 ft
       ETA: 2179 sec
      Next+1 waypoint:
       Lat: 49.9999809
       Lon: -1.5020370
       Alt: 30348 ft
     Earth reference data:
      True track: 35.2 deg
      Ground speed: 435.5 kt
      Vertical speed: -16 ft/min
     Air reference data:
     True heading: 24.3 deg
     Mach speed: 0.7765
     Vertical speed: -16 ft/min


ACARS SDR decoder







  • C 97.5%
  • CMake 2.2%
  • Shell 0.3%