Help how to use the plugin Commands
Edit only these lines, the rest is not desirable
not-gm: "Mode not found"
not-creative-drop: " §l§cYou can't throw things out in the creative."
not-attack-creative: " §l§cYou can't beat in the creative."
not-permission: "You don't have enough permissions."
time-day: "You have set a day in the world!"
time-night: "You have set the night in the world!"
on-creative: "Your mode has been changed to creative!"
on-spectator: "Your mode has been changed to spectator mode!"
on-survival: "You have changed the survival mode!"
on-adventure: "Your mode has been changed to adventure mode!"
mes-name: "§8[§eTestServer§8] "
usage: "Usage:"
only-game: "You must be in-game to run this command"