Our goal is to use ANN to evaluate the clarity of an image. For this, we use the FFT values of the images and the sharpness values for each image. Also, this repo is a reference for testing Keras model weights (file with .h5 extension) using C ++ / CUDA. Dense, BatchNormalization layers used in Keras library; ReLU, Sigmoid (0-1 range) activation functions are coded using C ++ and CUDA.
ANN structure and project details are given below.
- Windows or Linux
- CUDA == 10.2: https://developer.nvidia.com/cuda-toolkit-archive
- cuDNN == v8.0.2: https://developer.nvidia.com/rdp/cudnn-archive
- GPU with CC >= 3.0: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CUDA#GPUs_supported
- on Linux GCC or Clang, on Windows MSVC 2017/2019
- Dense Layer
- ReLU Activation
- Batch Normalization
- Sigmoid Activation
Keras model consists of 9 Dense layers and 8 Batch Normalization layers.
The model takes the vector of the Fast Fourier Transform image of 25x25 = 625 from the input.
Output Layer consists of 1 neuron and returns the variance value.
dense = new Dense(100, 1, 625); // Dense(neurons, inputVector.Rows, inputVector.Cols, isEndlayer = false, isMemPin = false)
dense1 = new Dense(100, dense->Result); // Each layer gets the result values of the previous layer
dense2 = new Dense(100, dense1->Result);
dense3 = new Dense(100, dense2->Result);
dense4 = new Dense(100, dense3->Result);
dense5 = new Dense(100, dense4->Result);
dense6 = new Dense(100, dense5->Result);
dense7 = new Dense(20, dense6->Result);
dense8 = new Dense(1, dense7->Result, true); // Yeaaap, dense8 is end layer
The size of the layer input depends on the output size of the previous layer. Batch Normalization layers are then created.
batchNorm = new BatchNormalization(dense->Result);
batchNorm1 = new BatchNormalization(dense1->Result);
batchNorm2 = new BatchNormalization(dense2->Result);
batchNorm3 = new BatchNormalization(dense3->Result);
batchNorm4 = new BatchNormalization(dense4->Result);
batchNorm5 = new BatchNormalization(dense5->Result);
batchNorm6 = new BatchNormalization(dense6->Result);
batchNorm7 = new BatchNormalization(dense7->Result);
Batch Normalization layers are dependent on the output size of the dense layers to be applied.
Then the weights of the dense and batchnormalization layers are loaded.
std::string denseKernel = ".\\model_save_weight.h5_to_txt\\dense\\kernel.txt";
std::string denseBias = ".\\model_save_weight.h5_to_txt\\dense\\bias.txt";
std::string dense8Kernel = ".\\model_save_weight.h5_to_txt\\dense_8\\kernel.txt";
std::string dense8Bias = ".\\model_save_weight.h5_to_txt\\dense_8\\bias.txt";
dense->Load(denseKernel, denseBias);
dense8->Load(dense8Kernel, dense8Bias);
std::string batchNormBeta = ".\\model_save_weight.h5_to_txt\\batch_normalization\\beta.txt";
std::string batchNormGamma = ".\\model_save_weight.h5_to_txt\\batch_normalization\\gamma.txt";
std::string batchNormMovingMean = ".\\model_save_weight.h5_to_txt\\batch_normalization\\moving_mean.txt";
std::string batchNormMovingVariance = ".\\model_save_weight.h5_to_txt\\batch_normalization\\moving_variance.txt";
batchNorm.load(batchNormBeta, batchNormGamma, batchNormMovingMean, batchNormMovingVariance);
The then, ram memory is copied into the graphics card memory.
After the inputs to be given to ANN are determined, the inputs should be given to ANN.
The inputs must be of type CpuGpuMat to be able to export to ANN.
Result variable of the last layer must be given in order to get the predict results.
CpuGpuMat inputBuffer(inputs, 1, 625, number_of_samples, true); // (neurons, inputVector.Rows, inputVector.Cols, isMemPin = true)
CpuGpuMat outputBuffer(dense8->Result, number_of_samples);
Memory pinning (isMemPin = true) speeds up memory transfer. However, 1 MB or more is recommended. You can look here for more.
Inputs to ANN will be given using "inputBuffer"; outputs will be taken using "outputBuffer".
Next, ANN is created. Iteration is made as much as the "number_of_samples" to be given to ANN.
for (int i = 0; i < number_of_samples; i++){
dense->Apply(&inputBuffer, i); // In every iteration "i" must be increased by one
dense8->Apply(&dense7->Result, 0, i); // In every iteration "i" must be increased by one
gpuSigmoid(&dense8->Result, i);
"outputBuffer" is copied to ram memory so that you can see the result.
Finally the result value is read. There output value as much as "number_of_samples"
float* predicts = (float*)outputBuffer.CpuP;
VarianceLbl->Text = predicts[0].ToString();
Keras weights are in hdf5 file format. I assume you got the model record as .json and .h5.
# keras library import for Saving and loading model and weights
from keras.models import model_from_json
from keras.models import load_model
# serialize model to JSON
# the keras model which is trained is defined as 'model' in this example
model_json = model.to_json()
with open("model_save_json.json", "w") as json_file:
# serialize weights to HDF5
It is converted to a text file for use with the C environment. You can do it as follows:
python h5_file_to_txt.py model_save_weight.h5
Each layer in the model will be saved in a folder and their weight in it. The text files will then be loaded into the model layers.
The values predicted by the model for more than one image can be observed from the graph.