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This guide will help you prepare and setup a Raspberry Pi in 4 easy steps
1. Download the latest version of Raspbian and flash your micro SD card with Etcher
2. Paste the files from setup and edit files:
├── boot/
│ ├── config.txt <-- in a new line add: dtoverlay=dwc2
│ ├── cmdline.txt <-- after `rootwait` add a space and paste: modules-load=dwc2,g_ether
│ ├── ...
│ └── ssh <-- add this one
│ └── wpa_supplicant.conf <-- add and edit this one with your wifi settings
More info on ssh over USB
3. In terminal ssh into the pi: sudo ssh pi@raspberrypi.local
Default password is 'raspberry'. To change password use the passwd
4. Get your PI up to speed:
sudo curl -s https://raw.githubusercontent.com/fdiazsmith/RPI_Dont_Panic/master/basic_setup.sh -o basic_setup.sh && bash basic_setup.sh && rm basic_setup.sh
This post explains how to download and execute a bash script.... here we should have a bash file that you can curl and do everything else
- update and upgrade
- (opt.)instal python3
- install git1
- install basic vimrc
- (opt.) install netatalk
- (opt.) install node
- install bash aliases
- custom $PS1 in bash
- reboot
- enable i2c
sudo apt-get install -y i2c-tools```
and also enable[SPI](https://learn.adafruit.com/adafruits-raspberry-pi-lesson-4-gpio-setup/configuring-spi)
### That is it!
just notes eventually they will go away
8. download vim. and then some useful `.vimrc` like this one from [amix](https://github.com/amix/vimrc)
more `.vimrc` file options, [this](https://gist.github.com/simonista/8703722)
if you would like to learn it your self follow [this](https://dougblack.io/words/a-good-vimrc.html)
this one is good [too](https://chrisyeh96.github.io/2017/12/18/vimrc.html)
all my pi have fernando as default password
[colorful echo ](https://misc.flogisoft.com/bash/tip_colors_and_formatting)
[custom MOTD](https://www.raspberrypi.org/forums/viewtopic.php?t=23440)
- [need to do this on basic setup](https://www.raspberrypi.org/documentation/remote-access/ssh/passwordless.md)
- [need to do this on basic setup](https://www.raspberrypi.org/documentation/remote-access/ssh/passwordless.md)
- [removing passphrase to ssh key](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/112396/how-do-i-remove-the-passphrase-for-the-ssh-key-without-having-to-create-a-new-ke)
- [chilli](https://www.allrecipes.com/recipe/238386/raspberry-habanero-jam/)
# breadcrums / improvements
consider installing a permament helper you get you useful resources. like reminding you how to use you favorite vim commands. or to intall the basic set up and have access later other nice setups later. like will you be working with a I2C? pam put everything together.
-[this could be a nice library to use](https://github.com/adafruit/Adafruit_Python_Shell/blob/master/adafruit_shell.py)