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[PWGUD] task phi->ee, p+pbar, p+Jpsi resonances (AliceO2Group#6128)
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siragoni authored May 13, 2024
1 parent 19c3214 commit 5f71638
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Showing 4 changed files with 742 additions and 0 deletions.
10 changes: 10 additions & 0 deletions PWGUD/Tasks/CMakeLists.txt
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -134,6 +134,16 @@ o2physics_add_dpl_workflow(exclusive-two-protons
PUBLIC_LINK_LIBRARIES O2::Framework O2Physics::AnalysisCore O2Physics::DGPIDSelector

SOURCES exclusivePhiLeptons.cxx
PUBLIC_LINK_LIBRARIES O2::Framework O2Physics::AnalysisCore O2Physics::DGPIDSelector

SOURCES exclusivePentaquark.cxx
PUBLIC_LINK_LIBRARIES O2::Framework O2Physics::AnalysisCore O2Physics::DGPIDSelector

SOURCES sginclusivePhiKstarSD.cxx
PUBLIC_LINK_LIBRARIES O2::Framework O2Physics::AnalysisCore O2Physics::DGPIDSelector
Expand Down
317 changes: 317 additions & 0 deletions PWGUD/Tasks/exclusivePentaquark.cxx
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,317 @@
// Copyright 2019-2020 CERN and copyright holders of ALICE O2.
// See for details of the copyright holders.
// All rights not expressly granted are reserved.
// This software is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public
// License v3 (GPL Version 3), copied verbatim in the file "COPYING".
// In applying this license CERN does not waive the privileges and immunities
// granted to it by virtue of its status as an Intergovernmental Organization
// or submit itself to any jurisdiction.
#include "Framework/runDataProcessing.h"
#include "Framework/AnalysisTask.h"
#include "Framework/AnalysisDataModel.h"
#include "iostream"
#include "PWGUD/DataModel/UDTables.h"
#include <TString.h>
#include "TLorentzVector.h"
#include "Common/DataModel/PIDResponse.h"
#include "PWGUD/Core/SGSelector.h"
using std::array;
using namespace std;
using namespace o2;
using namespace o2::aod;
using namespace o2::framework;
using namespace o2::framework::expressions;

/// \brief Exclusive proton+Jpsi task
/// \author Simone Ragoni, Creighton
/// \date 29/4/2024

struct ExclusivePentaquark {
SGSelector sgSelector;
Configurable<float> FV0_cut{"FV0", 100., "FV0A threshold"};
Configurable<float> FT0A_cut{"FT0A", 200., "FT0A threshold"};
Configurable<float> FT0C_cut{"FT0C", 100., "FT0C threshold"};
Configurable<float> ZDC_cut{"ZDC", 10., "ZDC threshold"};
Configurable<float> gap_Side{"gap", 2, "gap selection"};

// defining histograms using histogram registry
HistogramRegistry registry{"registry", {}, OutputObjHandlingPolicy::AnalysisObject};

void init(o2::framework::InitContext&)
registry.add("GapSide", "Gap Side; Entries", kTH1F, {{4, -1.5, 2.5}});
registry.add("TrueGapSide", "Gap Side; Entries", kTH1F, {{4, -1.5, 2.5}});
registry.add("posx", "Vertex position in x", kTH1F, {{100, -0.5, 0.5}});
registry.add("posy", "Vertex position in y", kTH1F, {{100, -0.5, 0.5}});
registry.add("posz", "Vertex position in z", kTH1F, {{1000, -100., 100.}});
registry.add("hITSCluster", "N_{cluster}", kTH1F, {{100, -0.5, 99.5}});
registry.add("hChi2ITSTrkSegment", "N_{cluster}", kTH1F, {{100, -0.5, 99.5}});
registry.add("hTPCCluster", "N_{cluster}", kTH1F, {{200, -0.5, 199.5}});
registry.add("hdEdx", "p vs dE/dx Signal", kTH2F, {{100, 0.0, 3.0}, {1000, 0.0, 2000.0}});
registry.add("hdEdx2", "p vs dE/dx Signal", kTH2F, {{100, 0.0, 3.0}, {1000, 0.0, 2000.0}});
registry.add("hdEdx3", "p vs dE/dx Signal", kTH2F, {{100, 0.0, 3.0}, {1000, 0.0, 2000.0}});
registry.add("hdSigmaElectron", "p vs dE/dx sigma electron", kTH2F, {{100, 0.0, 3.0}, {1000, -500.0, 500.0}});
registry.add("hdSigmaProton", "p vs dE/dx sigma proton", kTH2F, {{100, 0.0, 3.0}, {1000, -500.0, 500.0}});
registry.add("hdSigmaProton2", "p vs dE/dx sigma proton", kTH2F, {{100, 0.0, 3.0}, {1000, -500.0, 500.0}});
registry.add("hdSigmaProton3", "p vs dE/dx sigma proton", kTH2F, {{100, 0.0, 3.0}, {1000, -500.0, 500.0}});
registry.add("hNsigEvsKa1", "NSigma(t1) vs NSigma (t2);n#sigma_{1};n#sigma_{2}", kTH2F, {{100, -15., 15.}, {100, -15., 15}});
registry.add("hNsigEvsKa2", "NSigma(t1) vs NSigma (t2);n#sigma_{1};n#sigma_{2}", kTH2F, {{100, -15., 15.}, {100, -15., 15}});
registry.add("hMomentum", "p_{#ka};#it{p_{trk}}, GeV/c;", kTH1F, {{100, 0., 3.}});
registry.add("hClusterSizeAllTracks", "ClusterSizeAllTracks;Average cls size in the ITS layers;", kTH1F, {{1000, 0., 100.}});
registry.add("hClusterSizeProtonsTPC", "ClusterSizeProtonsTPC;Average cls size in the ITS layers;", kTH1F, {{1000, 0., 100.}});
registry.add("hClusterSizeProtonsTOF", "ClusterSizeProtonsTOF;Average cls size in the ITS layers;", kTH1F, {{1000, 0., 100.}});
registry.add("hEta1", "#eta_{#ka};#it{#eta_{trk}}, GeV/c;", kTH1F, {{100, -2., 2.}});
registry.add("hPtLikeSignProton", "Pt;#it{p_{t}}, GeV/c;", kTH1F, {{500, 0., 5.}});
registry.add("hMassLikeSignProton", "Raw Inv.M;#it{m_{pp}}, GeV/c^{2};", kTH1F, {{1000, 0., 10.}});
registry.add("hMassPtLikeSignProton", "Raw Inv.M;#it{m_{PP}}, GeV/c^{2};Pt;#it{p_{t}}, GeV/c;", kTH2F, {{1000, 0., 10.}, {400, 0., 4.}});

auto hSelectionCounter = registry.add<TH1>("hSelectionCounter", "hSelectionCounter;;NEvents", HistType::kTH1I, {{10, 0., 10.}});

TString SelectionCuts[9] = {"NoSelection", "GAPcondition", "PVtracks", "Good TPC-ITS track", "TPC/TOF PID track", "End trk loop", "Exactly 2p", "Like-sign ev", "Unlike-sign ev"};
// now we can set BinLabel in histogram Registry

for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++) {
hSelectionCounter->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(i + 1, SelectionCuts[i].Data());

// Unlike sign pp
registry.add("PP/hRapidity", "Rapidity;#it{y_{pp}};", kTH1F, {{100, -2., 2.}});
registry.add("PP/hPtProtonVsProton", "Pt1 vs Pt2;p_{T};p_{T};", kTH2F, {{100, 0., 3.}, {100, 0., 3.}});
registry.add("PP/hMassPtUnlikeSignProton", "Raw Inv.M;#it{m_{pp}}, GeV/c^{2};Pt;#it{p_{t}}, GeV/c;", kTH2F, {{400, 0., 4.}, {400, 0., 4.}});
registry.add("PP/hMassUnlike", "m_{#pi#pi} [GeV/#it{c}^{2}]", kTH1F, {{1000, 0., 10.}});
registry.add("PP/hUnlikePt", "Pt;#it{p_{t}}, GeV/c;", kTH1F, {{500, 0., 5.}});
registry.add("PP/hCoherentMass", "Raw Inv.M;#it{m_{pp}}, GeV/c^{2};", kTH1F, {{1000, 0., 10.}});

using udtracks = soa::Join<aod::UDTracks, aod::UDTracksExtra, aod::UDTracksPID>;
using udtracksfull = soa::Join<aod::UDTracks, aod::UDTracksPID, aod::UDTracksExtra, aod::UDTracksFlags>;
using UDCollisionsFull = soa::Join<aod::UDCollisions, aod::SGCollisions, aod::UDCollisionsSels, aod::UDZdcsReduced>;
// Main process
void process(UDCollisionsFull::iterator const& collision, udtracksfull const& tracks)
registry.fill(HIST("hSelectionCounter"), 0);
int gapSide = collision.gapSide();
if (gapSide < 0 || gapSide > 2)

registry.fill(HIST("posx"), collision.posX());
registry.fill(HIST("posy"), collision.posY());
registry.fill(HIST("posz"), collision.posZ());
int truegapSide = sgSelector.trueGap(collision, FV0_cut, FT0A_cut, FT0C_cut, ZDC_cut);
registry.fill(HIST("GapSide"), gapSide);
registry.fill(HIST("TrueGapSide"), truegapSide);
gapSide = truegapSide;
if (gapSide != gap_Side) {

TLorentzVector resonance; // lorentz vectors of tracks and the mother

// ===================================
// Task for p+Jpsi pairs with PID
// ===================================
std::vector<TLorentzVector> onlyLeptonTracks;
std::vector<TLorentzVector> onlyProtonTracks;
std::vector<TLorentzVector> onlyProtonTracksTOF;
std::vector<float> onlyProtonSigma;
std::vector<float> onlyProtonSigmaTOF;
std::vector<decltype(tracks.begin())> rawLeptonTracks;
std::vector<decltype(tracks.begin())> rawProtonTracks;
std::vector<decltype(tracks.begin())> rawProtonTracksTOF;

for (auto trk : tracks) {
if (!trk.isPVContributor()) {
registry.fill(HIST("hSelectionCounter"), 2);

int NFindable = trk.tpcNClsFindable();
int NMinusFound = trk.tpcNClsFindableMinusFound();
int NCluster = NFindable - NMinusFound;
registry.fill(HIST("hTPCCluster"), NCluster);
registry.fill(HIST("hChi2ITSTrkSegment"), trk.itsChi2NCl());
if (NCluster < 70) {
if (trk.itsNCls() < 7) {
if ( < 0.3) {
registry.fill(HIST("hSelectionCounter"), 3);
registry.fill(HIST("hITSCluster"), trk.itsNCls());

int clusterSize[7];
double averageClusterSize = 0.;
for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++) { // info stored in 4 bits
clusterSize[i] = (((1 << 4) - 1) & (trk.itsClusterSizes() >> 4 * i));
averageClusterSize += static_cast<double>(clusterSize[i]);
averageClusterSize /= 7.;
registry.fill(HIST("hClusterSizeAllTracks"), averageClusterSize);

double momentum = TMath::Sqrt(trk.px() * trk.px() + * + trk.pz() * trk.pz());
double dEdx = trk.tpcSignal();
registry.fill(HIST("hdEdx"), momentum, dEdx);

TLorentzVector electron;
electron.SetXYZM(trk.px(),, trk.pz(), o2::constants::physics::MassElectron);
TLorentzVector muon;
muon.SetXYZM(trk.px(),, trk.pz(), o2::constants::physics::MassMuon);
TLorentzVector proton;
proton.SetXYZM(trk.px(),, trk.pz(), o2::constants::physics::MassProton);
TLorentzVector protonbar;
protonbar.SetXYZM(trk.px(),, trk.pz(), o2::constants::physics::MassProtonBar);
auto nSigmaPr = trk.tpcNSigmaPr();
auto nSigmaPrTOF = trk.tofNSigmaPr();
auto nSigmaElTOF = trk.tofNSigmaEl();
auto nSigmaMuTOF = trk.tofNSigmaMu();

if (trk.hasTOF()) {
registry.fill(HIST("hdSigmaProton"), momentum, nSigmaPrTOF);
if (fabs(nSigmaPr) < 2.) {
registry.fill(HIST("hdEdx2"), momentum, dEdx);
registry.fill(HIST("hdSigmaProton2"), momentum, nSigmaPr);
registry.fill(HIST("hMomentum"), momentum);
if (trk.hasTOF() && fabs(nSigmaPrTOF) < 2.) {
registry.fill(HIST("hdSigmaProton3"), momentum, nSigmaPrTOF);
registry.fill(HIST("hClusterSizeProtonsTOF"), averageClusterSize);
} else if (!trk.hasTOF()) {
registry.fill(HIST("hSelectionCounter"), 4);
registry.fill(HIST("hClusterSizeProtonsTPC"), averageClusterSize);

if (trk.hasTOF() && (fabs(nSigmaElTOF) < 2. || fabs(nSigmaMuTOF) < 2.)) {
if (fabs(trk.tpcNSigmaEl()) < fabs(trk.tpcNSigmaMu())) {
} else {
registry.fill(HIST("hdEdx3"), momentum, dEdx);
registry.fill(HIST("hdSigmaElectron"), momentum, nSigmaElTOF);

} // trk loop

registry.fill(HIST("hSelectionCounter"), 5);

if (onlyLeptonTracks.size() == 2) {
int signSum = rawLeptonTracks[0].sign() + rawLeptonTracks[1].sign();
TLorentzVector resonance;
resonance += onlyLeptonTracks[0];
resonance += onlyLeptonTracks[1];
if (signSum == 0) {
registry.fill(HIST("hMassPtLikeSignProton"), resonance.M(), resonance.Pt());
registry.fill(HIST("hSelectionCounter"), 7);
registry.fill(HIST("hPtLikeSignProton"), resonance.Pt());
registry.fill(HIST("hMassLikeSignProton"), resonance.M());

TLorentzVector pentaquark;
pentaquark += resonance;
if (onlyProtonTracksTOF.size() == 1) {
pentaquark += onlyProtonTracksTOF[0];
if (resonance.M() > 2.9 && resonance.M() < 3.2) {
registry.fill(HIST("PP/hMassPtUnlikeSignProton"), pentaquark.M(), pentaquark.Pt());
registry.fill(HIST("hSelectionCounter"), 8);
registry.fill(HIST("PP/hUnlikePt"), pentaquark.Pt());
registry.fill(HIST("PP/hMassUnlike"), pentaquark.M());
registry.fill(HIST("PP/hRapidity"), pentaquark.Rapidity());
if (pentaquark.Pt() < 0.3) {
registry.fill(HIST("PP/hCoherentMass"), pentaquark.M());

// if ((onlyProtonTracksTOF.size() > 0) && (onlyProtonTracks.size() + onlyProtonTracksTOF.size()) == 2) {
// registry.fill(HIST("hSelectionCounter"), 6);

// int signSum = -999.;
// double sigmaTotal = -999.;
// if (onlyProtonTracksTOF.size() == 1) {

// if (!(fabs(onlyProtonTracks[0].Eta()) < 0.8 && fabs(onlyProtonTracksTOF[0].Eta()) < 0.8)) {
// return;
// }
// registry.fill(HIST("hEta1"), onlyProtonTracks[0].Eta());
// registry.fill(HIST("hEta1"), onlyProtonTracksTOF[0].Eta());
// resonance += onlyProtonTracks[0];
// resonance += onlyProtonTracksTOF[0];
// sigmaTotal = 0;
// sigmaTotal = onlyProtonSigma[0] * onlyProtonSigma[0] + onlyProtonSigmaTOF[0] * onlyProtonSigmaTOF[0];
// ;
// registry.fill(HIST("hNsigEvsKa1"), onlyProtonSigma[0], onlyProtonSigmaTOF[0]);
// signSum = rawProtonTracks[0].sign() + rawProtonTracksTOF[0].sign();
// if (signSum == 0) {
// registry.fill(HIST("PP/hPtProtonVsProton"), onlyProtonTracks[0].Pt(), onlyProtonTracksTOF[0].Pt());
// }

// } else if (onlyProtonTracksTOF.size() == 2) {

// if (!(fabs(onlyProtonTracksTOF[0].Eta()) < 0.8 && fabs(onlyProtonTracksTOF[1].Eta()) < 0.8)) {
// return;
// }
// registry.fill(HIST("hEta1"), onlyProtonTracksTOF[0].Eta());
// registry.fill(HIST("hEta1"), onlyProtonTracksTOF[1].Eta());
// resonance += onlyProtonTracksTOF[0];
// resonance += onlyProtonTracksTOF[1];
// sigmaTotal = 0;
// sigmaTotal = onlyProtonSigmaTOF[0] * onlyProtonSigmaTOF[0] + onlyProtonSigmaTOF[1] * onlyProtonSigmaTOF[1];
// ;
// registry.fill(HIST("hNsigEvsKa1"), onlyProtonSigmaTOF[0], onlyProtonSigmaTOF[1]);
// signSum = rawProtonTracksTOF[0].sign() + rawProtonTracksTOF[1].sign();
// if (signSum == 0) {
// registry.fill(HIST("PP/hPtProtonVsProton"), onlyProtonTracksTOF[0].Pt(), onlyProtonTracksTOF[1].Pt());
// }
// }

// if (sigmaTotal > 16.) {
// return;
// }
// if (onlyProtonTracksTOF.size() == 1) {
// registry.fill(HIST("hNsigEvsKa2"), onlyProtonSigma[0], onlyProtonSigmaTOF[0]);
// } else if (onlyProtonTracksTOF.size() == 2) {
// registry.fill(HIST("hNsigEvsKa2"), onlyProtonSigmaTOF[0], onlyProtonSigmaTOF[1]);
// }

// if (signSum != 0) {
// registry.fill(HIST("hMassPtLikeSignProton"), resonance.M(), resonance.Pt());
// registry.fill(HIST("hSelectionCounter"), 7);
// registry.fill(HIST("hPtLikeSignProton"), resonance.Pt());
// registry.fill(HIST("hMassLikeSignProton"), resonance.M());
// } else {
// registry.fill(HIST("PP/hMassPtUnlikeSignProton"), resonance.M(), resonance.Pt());
// registry.fill(HIST("hSelectionCounter"), 8);
// registry.fill(HIST("PP/hUnlikePt"), resonance.Pt());
// registry.fill(HIST("PP/hMassUnlike"), resonance.M());
// registry.fill(HIST("PP/hRapidity"), resonance.Rapidity());
// if (resonance.Pt() < 0.15) {
// registry.fill(HIST("PP/hCoherentMass"), resonance.M());
// }
// }
// }

} // end of process

}; // end of struct

WorkflowSpec defineDataProcessing(ConfigContext const& cfgc)
return WorkflowSpec{

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