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Releases: firebase/FirebaseUI-Android

FirebaseUI for Android v3.1.3

05 Jan 20:29
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FirebaseUI for Android v3.1.3 contains bug fixes and updates to transitive dependencies:

  • Fix crash due to IllegalArgumentException in RegisterEmailActivity (#1036)
  • Call setFirebaseUIVersion in Auth SDK (#1065)
  • Support AAPT1 when building (#1061)
  • Custom lint checks (#1068)

Notable transitive dependencies:

Dependency Version
Firebase / Play services 11.8.0
Support Library 27.0.2

Thank you to @vanniktech and @clydebarrow, first time PR contributors to this release!

FirebaseUI for Android v3.1.2

18 Dec 21:48
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FirebaseUI for Android v3.1.2 contains a bug fix for transitive dependencies:

  • FirebaseUI does not specify transitive POM dependencies correctly (#1060)
Dependency Version
Firebase / Play services 11.6.2
Support Library 27.0.2

FirebaseUI for Android v3.1.1

14 Dec 23:03
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FirebaseUI for Android v3.1.1 contains some bug fixes and internal improvements:


  • Removing lingering libphonenumber validation issue (#812)
  • Fix NullPointerException with loading dialog (#985)


  • Fix possible adapter crash (#991)
  • Fixed bug where MOVED did not also fire CHANGED event (#1044)


  • Improved Kotlin support (#999)
  • Move to gradle plugin 3.0 (#877)

This version has the following notable transitive dependencies:

Dependency Version
Firebase / Play services 11.6.2
Support Library 27.0.1

FirebaseUI for Android v3.1.0

17 Oct 21:51
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FirebaseUI for Android v3.1.0 is a small release, containing only the following changes:


  • Support for Arabic and Hebrew locales (#830)
  • Localized password reset emails
  • More localized error messages

This version has the following notable transitive dependencies:

Dependency Version
Firebase / Play services 11.4.2
Support Library 26.1.0

FirebaseUI for Android v3.0.0

03 Oct 19:29
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FirebaseUI for Android v3.0.0 is a major release! It contains many new features and bugfixes as well as some API improvements that result in breaking changes.

See the upgrade guide for information on upgrading from v2.4.0 or lower to v3.0.0. The information below provides only a high-level overview of new features.


  • No major changes.


  • The API for all of the adapter classes has been completely revamped to be more flexible and
    easier to understand.



  • Support for Glide version 4.0.0 and higher.

This version has the following notable transitive dependencies:

Dependency Version
Firebase / Play services 11.4.2
Support Library 26.1.0
Facebook SDK 4.27

FirebaseUI for Android v2.4.0

28 Sep 23:54
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FirebaseUI for Android v2.4.0 contains a number of bug fixes and small feature improvements:


  • Add ability to pass phone number into auth flow (#887)
  • Fixed IllegalArgumentException in PhoneVerificationActivity (#922)
  • Fixed NullPointerException in CompletableProgressDialog (#921)
  • Fixed IllegalStateException in CompletableProgressDialog (#914)
  • Removes fabric API key from manifest (#904)
  • Fix enter behavior on email signup (#869)


  • Improved performance and better handling of null snapshots (#871)


  • No changes

This version has the following notable transitive dependencies:

Dependency Version
Firebase / Play services 11.4.0
Support Library 26.0.1

FirebaseUI for Android v2.3.0

18 Aug 16:31
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FirebaseUI for Android v2.3.0 contains a number of bug fixes and small improvements:


  • Fix consumer proguard rules that broke optimization (#845)
  • Improve profile merging support (#859)
  • Fix dismiss dialog crash (#861) (#857)
  • Deprecate ResultCodes (#852)
  • Improved phone authentication UX (#846)
  • Vector drawable support (#814)


  • Fix onDataChanged bug in the index adapters (#847)

This version has the following notable transitive dependencies:

Dependency Version
Firebase / Play services 11.0.4
Support Library 26.0.1

FirebaseUI for Android v2.2.0

02 Aug 15:24
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FirebaseUI for Android v2.2.0 contains a number of bugfixes and some small feature improvements:


  • Automatic lifecycle management for Database classes through Android architecture components (#718)

Bug fixes:

  • Phone verification progress dialog fixed on pre-L devices (#817)
  • Auth method picker buttons now have drop shadows on pre-L devices (#842)
  • Removed overly strict phone number validation for user-entered numbers (#812)
  • Fixed some memory leaks and flow edge cases (#828, #832)

This version has the following notable transitive dependencies:

Dependency Version
Firebase / Play services 11.0.4
Support Library 25.4.0

FirebaseUI for Android v2.1.1

25 Jul 17:58
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FirebaseUI for Android v2.1.1 includes some key bug fixes and small improvements:

  • Fix a NPE causes crashes in production (#819)
  • Prefix resources with fui_ to avoid conflicts (#794)
  • Improvements to Twitter auth flow (#808)
  • Improve auth method picker layout on small screens (#711)

This version has the following notable transitive dependencies:

Dependency Version
Firebase / Play services 11.0.2
Support Library 25.4.0

FirebaseUI for Android v2.1.0

17 Jul 21:27
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FirebaseUI for Android v2.1.0 contains a number of new features and bug fixes:

  • All authentication flows are now translated into dozes of languages!
  • Support for night mode.
  • List adapters no longer need an Activity reference.
  • Better error messages when developing Phone Authentication.
  • Large internal refactor.
  • Fix crash #780

This version has the following notable transitive dependencies:

Dependency Version
Firebase / Play services 11.0.2
Support Library 25.4.0