Flow PubSub is a versatile and lightweight Google Pub/Sub emulator, designed to streamline local development workflows in both Kubernetes and Docker Compose environments. This emulator is an ideal tool for developers seeking to test Pub/Sub functionalities without deploying to a live cloud environment.
Explore and download the emulator from our DockerHub repository:https://hub.docker.com/repository/docker/flowlab/flow-pubsub
1. With docker-compose
2. With Minikube
Start minikube running:
minikube start
Initialize Minikube with local docker process:
eval $(minikube docker-env)
Apply minikube configuration
kubectl apply -f minikube.yml
deployment.apps/pubsub-deployment created service/pubsub created
Get pubsub host url end export as local env without http://
HOST=$(minikube service pubsub --url) export PUBSUB_EMULATOR_HOST=${HOST#"http://"}
Export project id:
export PUBSUB_PROJECT_ID="your-project-id"
Next you can fire up minikube dashboard
and use flow to create topic,
subscriptions and publish messages. For example: flow pubsub create-topic -t test
Flow PubSub is open source and available under the MIT License, promoting free and unrestricted use to foster innovation and collaboration.