When used with Go modules, use the following import path:
go get github.com/fluffy-bunny/grpcdotnetgo
It all starts with a proto file. In our case we want to have a custom server implementation that understands that the real downstream hanlder is in our DI. Fortunately we can use a protoc plugin to generate the GO code for that.
cd example
go install google.golang.org/protobuf/cmd/protoc-gen-go@v1.26
go install google.golang.org/grpc/cmd/protoc-gen-go-grpc@v1.1
go get -u github.com/fluffy-bunny/grpcdotnetgo/protoc-gen-go-di/cmd/protoc-gen-go-di
protoc --proto_path=. --proto_path=vendor --proto_path=vendor/github.com/fluffy-bunny --go_out=. --go_opt=paths=source_relative --go-grpc_out=. --go-grpc_opt=paths=source_relative --go-di_out=. --go-di_opt=paths=source_relative ./example/internal/grpcContracts/helloworld/helloworld.proto
This will generate all the go files from our helloworld.proto
type GreeterServer interface {
// Sends a greeting
SayHello(context.Context, *HelloRequest) (*HelloReply, error)
// IGreeterService defines the required downstream service interface
type IGreeterService interface {
SayHello(request *HelloRequest) (*HelloReply, error)
We simplify the interface by removing the context.Context
argument. If you still needed it, you can inject the IContextAccessor
. This is following the asp.net model where you inject IHttpContextAccessor
to get at the request context when a Request comes in.
In asp.net when a request comes in, a scoped di container is created and is active for the duration of the request. We do the samne thing when a grpc request comes in.
Looking at the IGreeterService
, it is up to your application to implement this interface. It also must be registered as a scoped object. In asp.net this is hidden from us, but here we have to do it manually.
import (
pb "github.com/fluffy-bunny/grpcdotnetgo/example/internal/grpcContracts/helloworld"
contracts_claimsprincipal "github.com/fluffy-bunny/grpcdotnetgo/pkg/contracts/claimsprincipal"
contracts_logger "github.com/fluffy-bunny/grpcdotnetgo/pkg/contracts/logger"
contracts_request "github.com/fluffy-bunny/grpcdotnetgo/pkg/contracts/request"
grpc_error "github.com/fluffy-bunny/grpcdotnetgo/pkg/grpc/error"
// Service is used to implement helloworld.GreeterServer.
type Service struct {
Request contracts_request.IRequest `inject:""`
ClaimsPrincipal contracts_claimsprincipal.IClaimsPrincipal `inject:""`
Logger contracts_logger.ILogger `inject:""`
Config *internal.Config `inject:""`
// Ctor if it exists is called when the service is created
func (s *Service) Ctor() {
// Close if it exists is called when the container is torn down
func (s *Service) Close() {
// AddScopedIGreeterService adds service to the DI container
func AddScopedIGreeterService(builder *di.Builder) {
pb.AddScopedIGreeterService(builder, reflect.TypeOf(&Service{}))
In asp.net core simply by adding an interface into our constructor, the framwork figures out by type what we need and injects it.
public class MyGreeterService : IGreeterService
private IHttpContextAccessor _httpContextAccessor;
private ILogger<MyGreeterService> _logger;
public MyGreeterService(
IHttpContextAccessor httpContextAccessor,
ILogger<MyGreeterService> logger)
_httpContextAccessor = httpContextAccessor;
_logger = logger;
The AddGreeterService
func is our CTOR. It is responsible for creating the object and as you can see it pulls the services it needs direct from the DI.
We map the go grpc endpoints, GreeterServer
to our simpler interface IGreeterService
. When a grpc call comes in, we create a scoped container, pull the matching interface IGreeterService
and call it after we have made sure that relied upon scoped objects are setup correctly ILogger,IClaimsPrincipal,IContextAccessor