ESOS (Enterprise Storage OS) hardware patch
Why did you choose to patch the Linux kernel? It's because ESOS does not support my server mainboard. And was looking for something easy to use.
What I did is installing and running # lspci -k to show kernel drivers handling each device. Adjust the ESOS kernel configuration. Created a patchset next. Build the kernel. Copy the build to thumb drive. And update the Grub bootloader configuration for my kernel.
$ ls -l misc/
total 8
-rw-r--r-- 1 frans frans 1802 Dec 10 06:55 linux-5.4.229.mcp55.config_patch
-rw-r--r-- 1 frans frans 959 Dec 10 06:55 linux-5.4.229.p5k.config_patch
Wanna know more about ESOS (Enterprise Storage OS), you should checkout there website
To build the ESOS kernel with my linux-5.4.229.mcp55.config_patch do.
$ wget
$ nano ./
$ chmod +x
$ ./
For creating your own ESOS Linux kernel you should fork and then submit a pull request. This is useful if you are proposing multiple repo changes
- Fork on GitHub.
- Clone the fork locally.
- Work on your Linux kernel patch
- Test the build
- Push the code to GitHub.
- Send a Pull Request on GitHub.
The repository was created in 2023 by Frans van Berckel