Plot a 3D grid
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It is an isometric projection of a grid that rotates using arrow keys or WASD keys,
This project was created using SDL2 and C programming Language.
- It Reads a file "file_demo".
- It Generates a window
- Gets the coordinates of each point from the file
- Rotates the grid, when the user press the keys
- Finish program when the user press ESC key or clocks on window Quit button
- SDL2 Lirary
1) Clone this repository
$ git clone
1.1) Install SDL2 (Skip this step if you already have it)
$ chmod 755
$ sudo ./
2) Compile the program
$ gcc -Wall -Werror -Wextra -pedantic *.c -lm $(sdl2-config --cflags --libs) -o raise_the_terrain
3) Run the program
$ ./raise_the_terrain <file>
Keyboard | Description |
ESC | Close program |
W or Up Arrow | Rotates grid upward |
A or Left Arrow | Rotates grid clockwise |
S or Down Arrow | Rotates grid downward |
D or Right Arrow | Rotates grid counter-clockwise |
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.