I want to see my daughter in home from the web camra connected in my Raspberry PI. I use Motion to implement a mjpeg streaming��and use dynamic DNS service on my wireless AP provide by www.oray.com . Then I use a servo to control the usb camra turn. I use ServoBlaster to drive the servo. and I write a php page to allow me send servo command from web page. To use the program you need to have a php web server, such as Apache+ php or nginx+php.
1 Install usb camra and motion on Raspberry PI
$ lsusb
$ sudo apt-get install motion $ motion&
Browse in Chrome Browser: http://yourserver:8081, you will see the camra mjpeg image.
2 Install 9g servo
Connent the servo to raspberry pi , there are 3 pins, connect the signal line to GPIO17, the other 2 pin is power, connent to 5v and GND, or use a extra 5V/500mA power supply(recommend).
install ServoBlaster Please read ServoBlaster/README.txt for more information
$: cd ServoBlaster/
$: ls
$: make servod
$: sudo ./servod
$: echo 1=160 > /dev/servoblaster
if the servo connected correctly, it will change position.
3 install Web Control
Copy web to your php web server. then you can browser it in Chorome browser http://yourserver/web/cam.html