example of puppet and AWS in the real world.
This example uses a few off-the-shelf bits:
- https://github.com/puppetlabs/puppetlabs-aws
- Ruby 1.9 or greater
- Amazon AWS Ruby SDK (available as a gem)
- Retries gem
go to AWS console and create a puppetmaster instance for "long term use":
- create a keypair named 'cdevops'
- create a keypair named 'puppetmaster'
- launch new Puppetmaster instance of ami-656be372 (Ubuntu 16.04 LTS 20160721 snapshot)
- open ports 22, 80, 443, 8140
- scp -i puppetmaster.pem install.sh ubuntu@Puppetmaster:
- scp -i puppetmaster.pem cdevops.pem ubuntu@Puppetmaster:
now ssh to ubuntu@Puppetmaster and:
- sudo to root
- mv ~/cdevops.pem /root
- bash ~/install.sh