Anka Browser v1.9.8
Anka is a browser developed with PyQt6 and QWebEngine in Python and open-source browser.
You can download and use Anka Browser in every Python installed device.
Now, if you download anything, it will show Downloads in menubar. And you can see them.
You can delete your bookmarks from settings. Go settings and click "Delete Bookmarks".
Now you can change your browser to fullscreen with "F11" key. And you can rechange your browser to normal with "F11" key.
In old versions, if you click your bookmarks, it was direct your search engine. This bug is fixed!
Now, you can download your files with this types:
(All file types)
- Download latest version from Releases.
- And extract it.
- Run the
This project is using "GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE V3"!