sysLoss is a tool for analyzing power trees, system power and losses. From the smallest IoT sensor to large industrial installations. The tool is efficient and easy to use, the analysis result provides a detailed report on voltages, currents, power and efficiency for every component defined in the system. Output format is Pandas DataFrame: Create charts, plots and export to Excel and other formats.
$ pip install sysloss
$ conda install conda-forge::sysloss
Analyze the power tree of a simple battery-powered bluetooth sensor:
from sysloss.components import *
from sysloss.system import System
bts = System("Bluetooth sensor", Source("CR2032", vo=3.0, rs=10))
bts.add_comp("CR2032", comp=Converter("Buck 1.8V", vo=1.8, eff=0.87))
bts.add_comp("Buck 1.8V", comp=PLoad("MCU", pwr=13e-3))
bts.add_comp("CR2032", comp=Converter("Boost 5V", vo=5.0, eff=0.82))
bts.add_comp("Boost 5V", comp=RLoss("RC filter", rs=6.8))
bts.add_comp("RC filter", comp=ILoad("Sensor", ii=6e-3))
Bluetooth sensor
└── CR2032
├── Boost 5V
│ └── RC filter
│ └── Sensor
└── Buck 1.8V
└── MCU
df = bts.solve()
Create graphical power tree diagrams:
import sysloss.diagram as sd
sd.make_diag(bts, fname="bts.png")
And heat diagrams:
sd.make_hdiag(bts, fname="bts-heat.png")
The documentation includes tutorials in the form of Jupyter notebooks, located in docs/nb.
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was created by Geir Drange. It is licensed under the terms of the MIT license.