Welcome to afkvido.github.io
- Code - The actual code for the website
- Issues - Submit a bug report or a feature request.
- Pull Requests - Contribute to this repository
- Discussions - The forums! (Requested by yeeteeyt)
- Actions - Automated testing provided by GitHub
- Insights - Repository Analytics
- The Forums
- Announcements - Official updates from staff
- Community Q&A - Ask and answer questions for the community.
- Forum - Discuss this website here.
- Showcase - Show off something you've made!
- Suggestions - Suggest your ideas for this website!
- Our README - Repository Documentation
- Workflows - We're just using the free checkmark thing.
- Our Issue Templates - ISSUE FORMS YAY!
- Our License - Mozilla Public License 2.0
- Website configuration - the website config yaml yml thing
- Favicon - just the icon
- Index - The actual website
- Web Manifest - Some configuration stuff
- CSS Style - The CSS for the HTML