Welcome! My name is Ghafar Shah. I am an experienced data analyst at Comcast with a strong passion in data science & visualization. I love learning, discovering and extracting insights from data! I enjoy coding in Python, exploring NLP libraries, using Tableau to create data visualizations and blogging about my analytics projects and experiences.
β’ Saint Joseph's University, Master of Science in Business Intelligence & Analytics | 2021 - Present
β’ Drexel University, Bachelor of Science in Management Information Systems | Graduated September 2018
β’ Speaker, 2022 Tableau Conference | Bring the WOW factor with Tableau Public Portfolios
β’ 2x Tableau Public Ambassador | 2021 - Present
β’ 4x Tableau 'Viz of the Day'
β’ "Biggest Growth" Tableau Conference Vizzie Award (2020)
β’ Tableau Public Featured Author | 2020
β’ Certified Tableau Desktop Associate | 2020
β’ Certified Tableau Desktop Specialist | 2019
β’ Tableau Public: https://public.tableau.com/app/profile/ghafar.shah2168
β’ Analytics Blog: https://gshah300.medium.com/
β’ Twitter: https://bit.ly/3C5GV6C
β’ LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/ghafarshah