Flare is an open source social media platform. The goal is to have a high quality open source alternative to main stream social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.
Currently there is:
- Registration
- login
- profile pictures
- email verification for registration
- posting (yet the ability ability to view posts is still in the works)
Here is a list of My Todos for Flare:
- View Posts
- Search for Posts or Users
- Following
- Likes
- DMs (Direct messaging)
- CSS Rework
Currently Flare is written in PHP. For styling it is using CSS. For the database I am using MySQL.
NEED TO ADD Commands to Set up the SQL Tables
To deploy your own version of Flare I'd Reccomend using Xampp. Here is a list of steps for the set up in Xampp:
- Clone this repository into your folder for apache
- Open Xampp and Turn on Apache and MySQL
- Go to localhost/myphpadmin
- set up the sql following the steps in the Setting Up the SQL section
- Port forward your website!
- I need to add the setup for the MySQL
- Adding Screen Shots would be helpful