The goal of this project is designing a genetic algorithm to develop survival instinct in a population of individuals.
An individual is defined by a genome and an energy parameter: the genes are related to the possible moves in the environment,
whereas the energy indicates if an individual is still alive
The algorithm runs for a given number of generations and every generation has the following pattern:
a fixed number of individuals moves on the simulation environment, a
The main program, included in file
, requires some non-standard modules:
- Numpy
$(\ge 1.21)$ - Matplotlib1
$(\ge 3.5)$ - Tabulate
$(\ge 0.9)$
The code is ready to be executed by simply calling python
and adding all required parameters for the simulation.
Here, there's a comprehensive list of required and optional input parameters:
positional arguments:
dimension Grid dimension
n_individuals Population size
moves Steps per generation
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--genes GENES Genome length
--max_generations MAX_GENERATIONS
Maximum number of generations
--energy ENERGY Initial energy
--food FOOD Food fraction
--poison POISON Poison fraction
--p_mutation P_MUTATION
Probability of a mutation
--randseed RANDSEED Random seed
This problem also has a simplified version in which the environment contains only food (no poison). The source code for this version
can be found in src/simplified_version and accepts the same list of parameters, except the optional --poison
In this repository you can also find two Jupyter Notebooks to examine the problem and the genetic algorithm from a graphical point of view:
the file analysis contains an investigation of the results for a set of 10 different simulations, whereas animation includes the code
to show the movement of the individuals on the grid (and eventually save it).
Feel free to fork this project and test your own configuration. You can also pinpoint errata or possible extensions for the problem.
Feedbacks are welcome!
Only for animation and analysis part (notebooks) ↩