Hi, my name is Giovanni Takeshi Sesta, I am a student of Web Develpment at the Ironkack Bootcamp in Madrid and this videogame is my project for the end of the module 1 of the course.
You can play it on any device with keyboard input (PC).
⭐ Please give me a star if you like my first project! ⭐
Here is the link to the game: https://giovannitakeshisesta.github.io/South-Park-The-Game/
I will show you how the core of the game is structured and the most relevant lines of code I used.
Below you'll see the time line of the project and the percentage of time on each task:
15% - Learning how to use Photoshop....
15% - Creating all the single elements of the game: the background, the player, the characters.
40% - Interactions between all the elements considering many different conditions.
5% - Game playability: positioning the characters, the obstacles and the finish line, setting the characters speed, the hit points.
5% - End of the game, 3 scenarios: winning, death by hit point, death of Kenny.
5% - Sound FX
5% - Web page CSS around the canvas
5% - Git Hub Pages
5% - This readme file
The background is done using the "parallax" effect: 1 source image with 4 different layers.
Each layer will move at a different speed giving a sensation of false 3d.
To do that we use the Canvas drawImage() method passing the 8 arguments + the speed.
this.background = [
// ctx.drawImage(ctx, sx, sy, sWidth, sHeight, dx, dy, dWidth, dHeight, speed);
this.backClass2 = new BackClass(ctx, 10, 180, 10, 10, 0, 310, 1000, 50, 0 ),
this.backClass6 = new BackClass(ctx, 10, 10, 10, 10, 0, 0, 1000, 50, 0 ),
this.backClass5 = new BackClass(ctx, 0, 5, 520, 36, 0, 50, 1000, 110, -0.5 ),
this.backClass4 = new BackClass(ctx, 0, 41, 900, 36, 0, 134, 2000, 180, -1 ),
this.backClass3 = new BackClass(ctx, 0, 80, 900, 113, 0, 90, 2000, 240, -2.5 ),
this.backClass1 = new BackClass(ctx, 0, 193, 652.4, 140, 0, 355, 1000, 210, -3 )];
The Player class has 4 animations : standing still, moving left or right, falling.
When a direction key is pressed, we pass to the animation() function 3 arguments:
- the line of the sprite sheet,
- the starting frame,
- the ending frame.
animation(y,startX, endX){
this.yFrame = y;
if (this.tick % 10 === 0) {
this.xFrame += 1;
if (this.xFrame >= endX || this.xFrame < startX) {
this.xFrame = startX;
if (!this.runningRight && !this.runningLeft) {
if (this.runningRight) {
The generateCow() function add cows to the cows array.
It creates a new instance of a Cow every X amount of time (e.g.250), passing as arguments:
a random value between 1 and 3 (which cow),
a random starting point on the destination Y axis.
let min = 230;
let max = 450;
let startY = Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min) + min);
let cowNumber = Math.floor(Math.random() * 3);
if (this.counterGenerateCow > 250){
this.cowArr.push(new Cow(ctx,-200, startY, 200,100,'assets/imgs/allCowsps.png', "cow2",cowNumber));
this.counterGenerateCow = 0;
The move() function of the Cow class moves each cow:
on the X axis, towards right,
on the Y axis, up & down bouncing between 2 values top and bottom,
and when the cow is in the middle, randomly change direction to up or down.
move() {
this.x += 1.5; // move right
this.y += this.vy;
if (this.y === 330 || this.y === 350 ) {
this.vy *= (Math.random() < 0.7 ? -1 : 1); // random direction
if (this.y > 450|| this.y < 230) { // bounce touching top or bottom
this.vy *= -1;
There are a lot of South Park citizens, their animation is very simple, use just 2 frames or sometimes 1.
When we create a new instance of a Guest, we pass as arguments:
- destination coordinates & size,
- the line of the sprite sheet,
- the number of frames,
- frame height in case the picture height is different.
this.guests = [
// (ctx, dx, dy, dw, dh, img, line, N.frames, frame height, name)
new Guest(ctx,5200,220,130,130,'assets/imgs/tallchar.png' , 2, 2, 13.05, "mariachi2"),
new Guest(ctx,5100,220,130,130,'assets/imgs/tallchar.png' , 1, 2, 13.05, "mariachi1"),
new Guest(ctx,200, 220, 90, 90,'assets/imgs/smallchar.png', 13, 2, 17.02, "cheer2"),
new Guest(ctx,300, 230, 90, 90,'assets/imgs/smallchar.png', 14, 2, 17.02, "cheer1")];
The collision between two elements is the triggering event for most of the action in the game.
We are going to use the collision function in a lot of different cases, for example
if the player collides with a guest, they are allowed to grab him;
if the guest is thrown at a cow, when they collide, the cow explodes;
if the player collides with poop or a cow, the hit points total decrease;
if Kenny collides with a cow... he dies.
collides(element_1,element_2) { // left right top bottom
if (
element_1.x < element_2.x + element_2.width &&
element_1.x + element_1.width > element_2.x &&
element_1.y < element_2.y + element_2.height &&
element_1.y + element_1.height > element_2.y )
return true;
return false;
When the player collides with a guest and Space is pressed, the coordinates of the guest will be the same as the top of the player.
// if the player IS NOT holding a guest,
// if the player touch a guest,
// if press Space,
// the player grab the guest,guest.AmIGrabbed = true
CollissionPlayerGuest() {
if (this.guests.filter(e => e.AmIGrabbed === true).length === 0){
this.guests.forEach(guest => {
const condition = this.collides(this.player,guest);
if (condition && this.player.space && (this.kennyArr.length === 0 || this.kennyArr.some(e => !e.AmIGrabbed)) ) {
guest.AmIGrabbed = true;
} });}
// if the player IS grabbing a guest,
// find the guest in the array, and while "space = true" , keep grabbing it
if (this.guests.filter(e => e.AmIGrabbed === true).length === 1){
this.guests.forEach(guest => {
if (guest.AmIGrabbed && this.player.space) {
guest.x = this.player.x -10;
guest.y = this.player.y -50;
If the player is holding a guest and Space is pressed, if there are cows in the canvas, the guest will fly at them; if there are no cows in the canvas, the guest will be released.
this.guests.forEach(e => {
if (e.AmIGrabbed && !this.player.space && !e.amIreleased){
e.amIreleased = true;
} );
this.guests.forEach(e => {
if (e.amIreleased){
e.AmIGrabbed = false;
let cowInCanvas = this.cowArr.filter(cow => (cow.x > -50 && cow.x < 850));
if(cowInCanvas.length > 0){
cowInCanvas[0].ImGoing2Die = true;
// guest fly to the cows
if (cowInCanvas[0].x < e.x) e.x -= 10;
if (cowInCanvas[0].x > e.x) e.x += 10;
if (cowInCanvas[0].y > e.y) e.y += 5;
if (cowInCanvas[0].y < e.y) e.y -= 5;
else {
e.AmIGrabbed = false;
e.amIreleased = false;
When the game is over, the game stops immediately or after a few seconds, and shows a game over message.
// if the player pass the finish line:
if (this.player.x > this.finish.x +100 ){
// trigger the congratulations message & run the game in the background
// after few yards stop the game
if (Math.round(this.counter/60) > this.finishYards+7){
// if kenny dies :
if ((this.afterFinish && this.player.x < this.finish.x ) || this.HP <= 0 ){
// wait a little -> play sound
if(this.counterDead > 30){
if(this.counterDead > 190){
// stop the game -> trigger the game over message
gameOver() {
// show the Game over message
this.ctx.fillStyle = 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.7)';
this.ctx.fillRect(0, 0, this.ctx.canvas.width, this.ctx.canvas.height);
this.ctx.fillStyle = 'white';
this.ctx.textAlign = 'center';
this.ctx.font = 'bold 32px sans-serif';
this.ctx.fillText('Game Over!', this.ctx.canvas.width / 2, this.ctx.canvas.height / 2);
This function prevents the scrolling of the webpage while playing and pushing Arrow or Space keys.
var keys = {};
keys[e.keyCode] = true;
case 37: case 39: case 38: case 40: // Arrow keys
case 32: e.preventDefault(); break; // Space
default: break; // do not block other keys
This function allows you to show a button on the canvas at a specific moment of the game, reloading the game without refreshing the page manually.
When the event "reload" is dispatched, an event listener removes the CSS class hidden from the HTML button, so the button appears.
// game.js
const event = new CustomEvent('reload');
// index.js
document.addEventListener('reload', () => {
// index.js
tryAgainBtn.onclick = () => {