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Gidu Shopping Center

Hi, my name is Giovanni Takeshi Sesta, I am a student of Web Development at the Ironkack Bootcamp in Madrid.
This is my project for the end of the module #2 of the course.
Is done in collaboration with my classmate Eduardo Francos Margareto.

🚀 Here is the link to the App: visit Gidu! 🚀

What is it

Gidu is a space where you can visit a store, like and rate products.
Depending on the user authorizations the web site will show different views and features.

  • Not logged :

    • Visit the stores & the products
    • SignIn/logIn via mail authentication or Google or Github
    • Get directions on Google Maps (...not activated,is ended the free trial period )
  • Logged:

    • Rate, like, leave reviews
    • Edit account settings as name, email, password, image
    • Delete account
    • Open a shop
  • Shop owner :

    • Create-edit-delete products, prices, images, descriptions.

Languages, Packages & more

Javascript, NodeJs

Express as a foundation.

Mongoose for models and database communication.

HandlebarsJS templating engine library to create dynamic views.

Morgan as HTTP request logger middleware.

Bcrypt for encypting passwords.

Passport as authentication middleware, integrating Google and GitHub authentication.

NodeMailer as module to send confirmation emails directly from the server.

Cloudinary to store and manage images.

Multer as middleware to upload images.

Connect-flash to show flash messages.

Google API to implement google maps.