This assignment required to create a package where implement three different nodes.
- A node that implements an action client, allowing the user to set a target (x, y) or to cancel it and also publishes the robot position and velocity as a custom message (x,y, vel_x, vel_z);
- A service node that, when called, prints the number of goals reached and cancelled;
- A node that subscribes to the robot’s position and velocity and prints the distance of the robot from the target and the robot’s average speed.
It is needed to implement a launch file in order to run the environment of the simulation and set parameter.
In order to run the solution it is necessary to download two different packages into the src folder of the ros workspace:
- which set the environment;
- and save it in a folder named "ass2"
First of all is necessary:
Then to run the environment and node A:
roslaunch ass2 ass2.launch
After this command is given it is possible to give directly the coordinates to reach.
(It is displaied to insert the x variable, but the first time it could happen not to be visible since it appears between the lines of the environment setting, although pressing Enter
the command is shown again)
In a new terminal is possible to see the number of target reached and canceled by launching this command:
rosrun ass2
While to obtain the distance from the target and the average speed at rate of 1 second it is necessary to launch the following command in a new terminal:
rosrun ass2
Having the simulation and three nodes running looks like this:
It is now analyzed the functioning of the Node A by pseudocode, which is also relevant for the other two nodes since their implementation depends on this one.
Initialize constructors
def coordinate():
while True:
take x as keyboard input
take y as keyboard input
def clbk_odom(msg):
Taking value needed to publish from Pose
Initialize Info object
Passing values to Info
if not shutdown:
Publish Info
def tgt(x,y):
Initialize Point object
Passing values to Target
Publish target
def get_info_goal(req):
return counters value to target service
def main():
Initialize Pose object
Initialize counter for reached and cancelled target
Initialize Node A
Create a new client
Publish Node A
Publish Node C
Make sub to odom
Service definition
Wait for the server ready
while True:
Set the goal coordinate to reach from input console
Publishing target coordinate
Passing the input value to Pose object
Create object Planning goal
Assign the goal
Send goal to the server
while True:
Taking keyboard input
if input is given:
if input = yes:
Cancel goal
Take time to process
Check the state
if state preempted:
update counter canceled goal
Check the state
if state == reached goal:
update counter reached goal
Wait for the result