Usage :
cat log*.txt | rfilter 'pprint _1,_3,_.size," ==> ",_0'
# extract first and third field, number of field,all line, foreach line ( lines splitted with \s+),
# _[0] == _1 ; _[1]==_2 . . .
rfilter 'expression' log*.txt
# same
rfilter -F pattern -v a=b -v cc=dd 'expression' log*.txt
# pattern is used for splitting lines
# define $a with value 'b' and $cc='dd'
rfilter # without args
....>> help
Tested on linux and Windows.
Work (faster) with jruby. Code is optimised for scanning of GByte of logs :)
For plotting, gem 'gruff' is used.
Some function need that something be done at the end of stdin.
By exemple, sum(_1)
will sum contents of first collumn, and wanted to print the value at the end of scan.
They are 3 patterns for that :
- eend {} : declare the bloc of instruction to be execute at the end
- write some ruby data in $pending : at the end; $pending is pretty-printed
- write in $pending a Hash with template : {type: :yourendname ,data: [...]}. At the end, method 'eend_yourendname()' will be called. it can work with $pending[:data].
See statistics(i) function for simple usage of this pattern.
show() : helper for debugging : show each field scanned by rfilter on first line of stdin, and exit
eend(&b) : specify a bloc to evaluate after end of input scanning
timediff(delta_max,date=nil) : extract date from current line and compare with last one, call bloc if delta is
greater than delta_max, in seconds
ifdiff(field) : yield bloc if parameter value is distinct of last call value
clear() : clear screen
extr(word) : extract first match in current line
atoi(str=nil) : return first number in scaned in current line (or in str parameter)
after(str,x=1,n=1) : extract next word after a word in current line
sum(i) : add all data in a column/data
mult(i) : mutliply all data in a column
statistics(i) : register value, at end calculus and print mean/median/stddev
plotting is global : one session generate one raster image, containing one zone plot with one or several curve/barrgraph.
Raster file name generated, (in /tmp) is printed at the end.
plot(*v) : register some value in only-one curve, plot line at end
splot(name,value) : append value to named curve, plot curves in one plot, at end
rplot(name,lvalue,h=nil) : append values in curve name, plot graph at end (one call >> one curve)
bplot(label,*v) : register x/y values (label and values) in curves, plot bargraphs at end (several call=>several barrs)
toh(a,b) : put in Hash h[a]=b ; print Hash at exit
tohcount(a,b="1") : put in Hash h[a]+=b ; print Hash at exit
tohlist(a,b="?") : push b in array in h[a] ; print Hash of Array at exit
tohh(a,b,c) : put in Hash h[a][b]= c ; print Hash of hash at exit
tohhcount(a,b,n=1) : put in Hash h[a][b]+= n ; print Hash of hash at exit
pprint(*args) : print args in context : blank-separated, _1,_2... is understand,
delta(value,no=0) : compare value with old-one, varname 'no'. so several delta() can be used in one session
skip_until(filter) : do nothing until a line match ; eval bloc after this time
stop_after(n) : stop n seconds after startup
stop_nol(n) : stop if noline exceed parameter (print beginning and stop)
stop_if(v) : stop if parameter is true
cat log*.txt | rfilter 'expression'
rfilter 'expression' *.txt`
Count number of file which have size bigger than 1K:
ls -l | rfilter 'sell {_5.to_i>1024}' | rfilter 'sum 1'
Format lines
ls -l | rfilter "format('%-15s | %s',_9,_5)"
extract data from json fragment, en sumerize at end A directorie have file contening this kind of fragment :
{"Action":"/BootNotification", "chargeBoxIdentity":"FR*S33*E*2232*A-1", "chargePointModel":"eee", "chargePointSerialNumber":"89798 "chargeBoxSerialNumber":"87909", "firmwareVersion":"23.44", "iccid":"888888888888888", "imsi":"999999999999", "date":"2018-01-13 20:16:55"},
. . . .
This code create a CSV file contenning last value of iccid and imsi for each equipment Id (chargeboxId) :`
grep iccid * | rfilter 'cbi=extr(/"chargeBoxIdentity":"(.*?)"/);\
imsi=extr(/"imsi":"(.*?)"/); \
toh(cbi,"%s;%s" % [iccid,imsi]) if iccid; \
eend { $pending.each {|k,v| puts "#{k};#{v}" }}' > iccid_imsi.csv
- extr extract field frem regexp
- toh(k,v) memorise $pending[k]=v , so at the ending, $pending contain last value of each key 'k'
- eend declare code to be executed : it scan $pending and format 'chargeboxId;iccid;imsi' foreach equipment in log. (the eend declaration is repeated for each line : stupid but efficace )