A quite simple tool for creating TypeScript guards including assertions with several built-in guards for runtime type checking. A type guard can be used to check the runtime type of a variable and narrow its type accordingly.
Read more about guards and assertions from the official TypeScript documentation.
npm install tsguarder
Create a type guard:
import { createTypeGuard, TypeGuard } from "tsguarder";
const isPositiveNumber: TypeGuard<number> = createTypeGuard(
"must be a positive number", // optional
(value: unknown): value is number => {
return typeof value === "number" && value > 0;
Use as a type guard:
function doSomething(value: number | string) {
if (isPositiveNumber(value)) {
// do something with a number
const result = value.toFixed(2);
// do something with a number or a string
Use as an assertion:
function calculateFactorial(num: number) {
// the second argument is optional
isPositiveNumber.assert(num, "num argument");
calculateFactorial(100); // works
calculateFactorial("This is not a number"); // throws an error
console.log("This will not be printed");
If the type assertion fails, meaning the variable's type is not what was expected, TypeScript throws an error with the value name and the message provided in the guard.
TypeError: num argument: must be a positive number
This does not work:
import { createTypeGuard } from "tsguarder";
const isString = createTypeGuard(
(value): value is string => typeof value === "string";
// ⛔️ TypeScript error:
// Assertions require every name in the call target to be
// declared with an explicit type annotation.ts(2775)
isString.assert('Hello, World!')
Read more about assertions in the TypeScript documentation.
The tool comes with several built-in guards:
Equivalent to typeof value === "string"
Equivalent to typeof value === "number"
Equivalent to typeof value === "boolean"
Equivalent to typeof value === "symbol"
Equivalent to typeof value === "undefined"
Equivalent to value === null
Equivalent to typeof value === "bigint"
Equivalent to typeof value === "function"
Equivalent to typeof value === "object"
Equivalent to Array.isArray(value)
Equivalent to typeof value === "object" && value !== null && !Array.isArray(value)