VueUiGauge #142
Add optional segment labels.
New dataset attribute name
for dataset series
const dataset = ref({
base: 12250, // optional
value: 4.2,
series: [
from: 1,
to: 3,
color: "#ff6400", // optional
name: 'bad', // optional
nameOffsetRatio: 1.1 // optional, to offset an individual name label and avoid label overlapping if segments are narrow
from: 3,
to: 4,
color: "#5f8bee",
name: 'acceptable'
from: 4,
to: 5,
color: "#42d392",
name: 'very good'
It is possible to set individual offset for name labels, using the nameOffsetRatio
dataset attribute:
New configuration attributes for segment labels:
config.style.chart.layout.segmentNames: {
show: boolean; // default: true
curved: boolean; // default: true
offsetRatio: number; // default: 1.1
fontSize: number; // default: 16
useSerieColor: boolean; // default: true
color: string; // default: "#2D353C"
bold: boolean; // default: false
- A new config attribute was also added to control the radius of the gauge:
config.style.chart.layout.radiusRatio: number; // default: 1
- New config attributes are added to display separators between segments:
config.style.chart.layout.segmentSeparators: {
show: boolean; // default: false
offsetOut: number; // default: 0
offsetIn: number; // default: 0
stroke: string; // default: "#2D353C"
strokeWidth: number; // default: 2
Here is an example of usage for separators (check out the examples page):
Documentation is up to date
Chart builder too:)
An example of cool stuff that can be done now with VueUiGauge: