Releases: graphieros/vue-data-ui
VueUiXy & VueUiStackbar #139
- Add
Use this emit to use the data at the given time label:
function selectTimeLabel(data) {
- Add
scoped slot
Use this slot to customize time labels with your own svg text elements:
<VueUiStackbar :dataset="dataset" :config="config">
<template #time-label="{ x, y, fontSize, fill, transform, absoluteIndex, content, textAnchor }">
<g @click="() => selectTimeLabel({ absoluteIndex, content, /* or whatever you need for your custom click event */ })">
{{ content }}
:y="y + fontSize"
:font-size="fontSize * 0.8"
{{ content }}
An additional config attribute was also added for both components to show/hide time label in the tooltip:
- VueUiXy:
config.chart.tooltip.showTimeLabel: boolean; // default: true
- VueUiStackbar: boolean; // default: true
Tooltip #138
- Fix tooltip offset when the component is placed inside a wrapper bearing transform css properties. Tooltips are now placed inside the splendid Teleport built-in component, attaching it to the body instead of the chart wrapper. Vue is awesome 🍀
Zoom #137
- Add config attributes to set initial zoom startIndex and endIndex, to show the chart already zoomed in on load. Inside the zoom config attribute object, the following attributes are now available:
startIndex: number | null; // default: null
endIndex: number | null; // default: null
Components with the zoom feature:
- VueUiCandlestick
- VueUiDonutEvolution
- VueUiQuickChart *
- VueUiStackbar
- VueUiXy
- VueUiXyCanvas
* VueUiQuickChart has special attributes for this feature:
zoomStartIndex: number | null; // default: null
zoomEndIndex: number | null; // default: null
Full revamp of the component with better functionality.
Docs are up to date
- Fix error in responsive mode when no title is set.
- Prevent dashboard events when using zoom inputs in chart components
New utility functions
The following set of tested utility functions are now available:
import {
} from "vue-data-ui";
Documentation website is up to date
Generate abbreviations for labels
import { abbreviate } from "vue-data-ui";
const text = "Lorem Ipsum Dolor Sit Amet";
const abbreviated = abbreviate(text, 5); // result: "LIDSA"
Darkens a color by a specified strength.
The color passed can be in HEX (with or without alpha channel), RGB or RGBA, or named color.
import { darkenColor } from "vue-data-ui";
const color = "#FF0000";
const darkened = darkenColor(color, 0.1);
import { lightenColor } from "vue-data-ui";
Lightens a color by a specified strength.
The color passed can be in HEX (with or without alpha channel), RGB or RGBA, or named color.
const color = "#FF0000";
const lightened = lightenColor(color, 0.1);
Shifts hue for a given color, by a given strength.
The color passed can be in HEX (with or without alpha channel), RGB or RGBA, or named color.
import { shiftColorHue } from "vue-data-ui";
const color = "#FF0000";
const shifted = shiftColorHue(color, 0.1);
Add config attributes to further control labels: boolean; // default: true string; // default: "" string; // default: "" Function | null ; // default: null boolean; // default: true
Reminder on how to use the formatter:
const config = ref({
style: {
chart: {
layout: {
markers: {
formatter: ({ value }) => {
return `my string ${value}`
New component: VueUiHistoryPlot
Visualize the dynamic journey of two variables over time, with every point telling a story of change and connection in two-dimensional space.
Check out the docs
A chart builder is also available!
- Fix regression causing caption to move
- Add config attribute to control the table background color:
config.tbody.backgroundColor: string; // default: "#FFFFFF"
- Fix textAlign issues
- Add config attribute to hide color markers in first TD:
config.tbody.showColorMarker: boolean; // default: true
- Improve selection behaviour
- Add config options to control the background color of selected cells:
config.tbody.selectedColor.useSerieColor: boolean; // default: true
config.tbody.selectedColor.fallback: string; // default: #E1E5E8, applied when useSerieColor is set to false
- Add config options to control chart dimensions:
config.sparkline.dimensions.width: number; // default: 150
config.sparkline.dimensions.heightRatio: number; // default: 1
New component: VueUiFunnel
A funnel chart is a unique chart type that illustrates the progression of users through a business or sales process. Its name reflects its shape, beginning with a wide top and tapering to a narrow bottom. The funnel's width at each stage represents the number of users, decreasing as the process advances.
Classic funnel charts generally use a "realistic" funnel shape, which makes it hard for the brain to compare sizes. This funnel chart is designed to make it easy to compare stages, using simple bars.
The documentation website is up to date.
VueUiCanvas : custom scales
- Set a custom scale in non stack mode (default) through the following new config attributes:
style.chart.scale.min: number | null; // default: null
style.chart.scale.max: number | null; // default: null
- Set custom scales on each dataset item (applied when stack mode is true), through the following new dataset attributes:
scaleMin: number | null;
scaleMax: number | null;
- Show vertical lines at same index as time labels on large datasets