Releases: graphieros/vue-data-ui
new #pattern scoped slot
The #pattern slot is available for the following components:
- VueUiDonut
- VueUiGauge
- VueUiRings
- VueUiStackbar
- VueUiVerticalBar
- VueUiXy
This slot allows you to include a pattern
element to customize the looks of your datapoints, which will be injected inside a defs
element of the component.
The slot exposes the following data:
to target a specific datapointpatternId
to apply on the pattern element for it to be recognized by the component
Here is an example of implementation on VueUiDonut, where a pattern will be applied on the first datapoint only:
<VueUiDonut :dataset="dataset" :config="config">
<template #pattern="{ seriesIndex, patternId }">
<pattern v-if="seriesIndex === 0" :id="patternId" width="50.222" height="29.003" patternTransform="scale(1)" patternUnits="userSpaceOnUse"><rect width="100%" height="100%" fill="#2b2b3100"/><path fill="none" stroke="#1A1A1A" stroke-linecap="square" d="M58.592-14.503h-16.74m6.277 3.627H56.5l4.188 7.25h-8.373zM60.686 3.623l-4.187 7.25h-8.372l4.187-7.25zM41.852-7.252l4.185 7.25-4.185 7.252L37.666 0zm25.11 7.25L58.593 14.5h-16.74L33.481-.001l8.371-14.501m16.74-.001 8.37 14.502m0 0h-16.74v0m-8.37-14.501L50.222 0l-8.37 14.503M8.371-14.502H-8.37m6.276 3.627h8.371l4.188 7.25H2.093zM10.464 3.624l-4.186 7.25h-8.373l4.187-7.25zM-8.37-7.251-4.185 0-8.37 7.252-12.556 0zM16.74 0 8.37 14.502H-8.37L-16.742 0l8.371-14.501m16.74-.001L16.741-.001m0 0H.001v0m-8.37-14.501L0 0l-8.37 14.503m6.275 3.625h8.372l4.187 7.25H2.093zm12.558 14.499-4.187 7.25h-8.372l4.187-7.25zM-8.371 21.752l4.185 7.25-4.185 7.252-4.185-7.251zm25.112 7.25L8.37 43.504H-8.37l-8.371-14.502 8.37-14.501M8.37 14.5l8.372 14.502m0 0H0v0m-8.37-14.5L0 29.003l-8.37 14.503m56.5-25.379 8.371.001 4.188 7.25h-8.373zm12.557 14.5L56.5 39.876l-8.372.001 4.187-7.25zM41.852 21.751l4.185 7.25-4.185 7.252-4.186-7.252zm25.11 7.25-8.37 14.502h-16.74l-8.372-14.5M58.59 14.5l8.372 14.503m0 0h-16.74v0m-8.371-14.501 8.37 14.501-8.37 14.503M33.482 0h-16.74m6.276 3.627 8.371.001 4.188 7.25h-8.373zm12.557 14.5-4.187 7.249-8.372.001 4.187-7.25zM16.741 7.25l4.185 7.25-4.185 7.252-4.186-7.252zm25.11 7.25-8.37 14.502h-16.74M41.851 14.5h-16.74v0M16.742 0l8.37 14.502-8.37 14.503"/></pattern>
A few screenshots taken from the examples page:
Component | Screenshot |
VueUiXy | |
VueUiDonut | |
VueUiGauge |
The patterns used in these examples are adapted from the cool patterns available for free on
Additional zoom features #153
- New config attributes are added to all charts bearing a zoom feature:
zoom.enableRangeHandles: boolean; // default: true
zoom.enableSelectionDrag: boolean; // default: true: allow dragging of the zoom selection (see video below)
For VueUiQuickChart
, these config attributes are the following:
zoomEnableRangeHandles: boolean; // default: true
zoomEnableSelectionDrag: boolean; // default: true
These attributes allow :
the user to drag a zoom selection, which is easier than using the range input handles
you to freeze a zoom selection (using the existing
attributes, to setzoom.enableRangeHandles: false
, so the user will be able to drag a frozen zoom selection range) -
you to opt out of the drag feature, by setting
zoom.enableSelectionDrag: false
The zoom feature is available on the following components:
- VueUiCandlestick
- VueUiDonutEvolution
- VueUiQuickChart
- VueUiStackbar
- VueUiXy
- VueUiXyCanvas
The video below shows the default zoom configuration, with both attributes set to true
, on the VueUiXy component :
Fix harmless svg console errors in some cases when the chart is being computed
- VueUiSparkline
- VueUiStackbar
- Add
config attributes: number | null; // default: null number | null; // default: null
This comes handy when stacking sparklines for different series where comparison is required.
- Add padding config attributes: {
top: number;
right: number;
bottom: number;
left: number;
Customizable chart background
A new slot was added on most components to customize background (image, gradient, etc.)
<VueUiXy :dataset="dataset" :config="config">
<template #chart-background>
<div :style="{ height: '100%', width: '100%' }">
<img src="space.png" alt="space" class="h-full w-full object-cover">
- Fix: always start the animation from the smallest
VueUiDonut, VueUiWaffle, VueUiQuickChart (donut mode)
- Improve serie segregating animation timing, making it more consistent and smoother.
- Add marquee animation option in the config.animation:
animation: {
type: 'scroll' | 'marquee'; // default: 'scroll'
User options menu display state #148
Add config options to control the state of the user options menu:
userOptions: {
show: boolean, // Not new. Has to be true for these new options to be applied. Is true by default
showOnChartHover: boolean; // New option. Default: false. Set to true to only show the burger menu when hovering the component
keepStateOnChartLeave: boolean; // New option. Default: true. Set to false to always close the menu when hovering out the component
VueUiTableSparkline #144
- Display buttons for each sorting order
- Fix regressions in responsive mode
VueUiTableSparkline #144
- Add config options to control which columns can be sorted:
config.sortedDataColumnIndices: number[]; // default: []
config.sortedSeriesName: boolean; // default: false
config.sortedSum: boolean; // default: false
config.sortedAverage: boolean; // default: false
config.sortedMedian: boolean; // default: false
config.resetSortOnClickOutside: boolean; // default: false
Example, if your table looks like this:
Series | COL 1 | COL 2 | COL 3 | Total | Average | Median |
s1 | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 1 | 1 |
- To make COL 1 and COL 2 sortable, set
sortedDataColumnIndices: [0, 1]
- To make the Series column sortable; set
sortedSeriesName: true
- To make the Total column sortable, set
sortedSum: true
- To make the Average column sortable, set
sortedAverage: true
- To make the Median column sortable, set
sortedMedian: true
VueUiGauge #142
Add optional segment labels.
New dataset attribute name
for dataset series
const dataset = ref({
base: 12250, // optional
value: 4.2,
series: [
from: 1,
to: 3,
color: "#ff6400", // optional
name: 'bad', // optional
nameOffsetRatio: 1.1 // optional, to offset an individual name label and avoid label overlapping if segments are narrow
from: 3,
to: 4,
color: "#5f8bee",
name: 'acceptable'
from: 4,
to: 5,
color: "#42d392",
name: 'very good'
It is possible to set individual offset for name labels, using the nameOffsetRatio
dataset attribute:
New configuration attributes for segment labels: {
show: boolean; // default: true
curved: boolean; // default: true
offsetRatio: number; // default: 1.1
fontSize: number; // default: 16
useSerieColor: boolean; // default: true
color: string; // default: "#2D353C"
bold: boolean; // default: false
- A new config attribute was also added to control the radius of the gauge: number; // default: 1
- New config attributes are added to display separators between segments: {
show: boolean; // default: false
offsetOut: number; // default: 0
offsetIn: number; // default: 0
stroke: string; // default: "#2D353C"
strokeWidth: number; // default: 2
Here is an example of usage for separators (check out the examples page):
Documentation is up to date
Chart builder too:)
An example of cool stuff that can be done now with VueUiGauge: