A Logic Gate Simulator like Circuit Verse, Academo.org etc. which support's Vision mode. And can easily be controlled using hand gestures.
- Go to search and find Anaconda Prompt
- Change envirenment if needed
(base) C:\Users\user_name>activate env_name
- Using cd for going to unzip folder
- Run
(test) C:\Users\user_name>editor.bat
- Go to folder where you have unziped the file
- Right click and click on
open on terminal
- Run
PS C:\Users\user_name\path\to\unzip\folder> .\editor.bat
- If you are getting this error, it is because of envirenment paths
'pip' is not recognized as an internal or external command
- Use any IDE like. Visual Studio Code, PyCharm, Spyder etc.
- Open the unzip folder
- Install required packages
- Run
Vision BGV Box Gate Vector
|-- fonts (fonts used)
| |-- Queensider.ttf
| |-- QueensiderLight-ZVj3l.ttf
| |-- QueensiderMedium.ttf
|-- gateRes (assets)
|-- model (classifiaction model weights & sounds)
| |-- click.wav
| |-- model_cpu.pk
| |-- model_cuda.pk
| |-- simulate.wav
|-- Model Recipe (For Custom Classification)
| |-- app.py
| |-- gesture_recognizer.py
| |-- model.ipynb
| |-- README.md
|-- Sample (photos and video)
|-- saved (saved files)
|-- shells (shell base)
|-- singltion (widgets)
|-- BSV.py (Architecture)
|-- editor.bat (app runner)
|-- gesture_recognizer.py (Gusture Class)
|-- gui (gui related classes)
|-- main.py (starting file)
|-- README.md
|-- requirements.txt (lib. names)
|-- util_function (functions)
|-- vectors.py (vector2D class)
- For menu :
Shift + RMB
- For Select gate/connection :
- For Toggle Input :
Ctrl + RMB
- For Deselect connection :
- For menu :
Preffered Gesture for mouse pointer
Mouse Left Click
Mouse Right Click
Menu Bar
Toggle Imput