- Large amount of dataset consists of images with no ships. So, were used 9000 images with ships, and 1000 without. We splitted 80 % for training, 20 % - for validation
- Due to large input images - 768x768x3, we model are using model with 256x256x3 input shape. This decision came from large model size, which we got from original inputs.
- To train model, we cutted input train image as 3x3 grid, and selected tile with the largest ship area in it's mask
- Used BCE+DiceLoss
- Used Adam optimizer:
- 8 epochs with 0.001 lr
- 8 epochs with 0.0005 lr
- 8 epochs with 0.0001 lr
- 8 epochs with 0.00001 lr
We got the best validation dice score - 0.8627
You can checkout Kaggle notebook with solution, where model was trained (Thanks, Kaggle!)