"When you gaze long enough into the abyss, the abyss also gazes into you."
- Friedrich Nietzsche, The Abyss
Concierge is an RBAC enabled, metadata store aimed at providing versioned, configuration snapshots, with various state transitions built in.
- A versioned config registry, to register various configs bound by a maker-checker process, with customizable RBAC.
- A RESTful interface and a console to manage the said configs, to allow for easier integrations
- A client for these configs to be fetched runtime and kept in memory for clients to use the config repository seamlessly
- The bom is available at
Clone the source:
git clone github.com/grookage/leia
mvn install
public abstract class ConciergeCustomBundle<T extends Configuration, U extends ConfigUpdater> extends ConciergeBundle<T, U> {
protected Supplier<ConciergeRepository> getRepositorySupplier(T configuration) {
return () -> <your_custom_repo>;
protected List<ConciergeHealthCheck> withHealthChecks(T configuration) {
return List.of(new CustomHealthCheck(elasticConfig, elasticsearchClient));
public void run(T configuration, Environment environment) {
//Any of your initializtion code.
super.run(configuration, environment);
protected Supplier<VersionGenerator> getVersionSupplier() {
//Your custom versionId Generator
protected abstract Supplier<PermissionValidator<U>> getPermissionResolver(T configuration) {
//Your custom Permission Validator
The above bundle provides
- An Ingestion resource - To help with creating and editing the configs, backed by the
- A Config Resource - To help with getting the config details, backed by the
Additionally, Concierge comes with default implementations for ElasticSaerch and Aerospike
new ConciergeElasticBundle<AppConfiguration>() {
protected CacheConfig getCacheConfig(Configuration configuration) {
return null;
protected ElasticConfig getElasticConfig(Configuration configuration) {
return null;
protected Supplier<ConfigUpdaterResolver> userResolver(Configuration configuration) {
return null;
protected Supplier<VersionGenerator> getVersionSupplier() {
return null;
protected Supplier<PermissionValidator> getPermissionResolver(Configuration configuration) {
return null;
new ConciergeAerospikeBundle<AppConfiguration>() {
protected CacheConfig getCacheConfig(Configuration configuration) {
return null;
protected AerospikeConfig getElasticConfig(Configuration configuration) {
return null;
protected Supplier<ConfigUpdaterResolver> userResolver(Configuration configuration) {
return null;
protected Supplier<VersionGenerator> getVersionSupplier() {
return null;
protected Supplier<PermissionValidator> getPermissionResolver(Configuration configuration) {
return null;
Concierge also comes with a client, that you can provide to the calling services or wrap it up in your client offering and provide it further, to periodically refresh and keep the configs in-memory instead of fetching from source all the time.
new ConciergeClientBundle<AppConfiguration>() {
protected Set<String> getNamespaces(AppConfiguration configuration) {
// Namespaces against which client wants to fetch configs
protected LeiaHttpConfiguration getHttpConfiguration(AppConfiguration configuration) {
// Http Configuration where concierge server resides. Usually supplied by the config manager
protected SerDeFactory getSerDeFactory(AppConfiguration configuration) {
// A custom SerDe Factory if you have different serializations for config. Again can be extended as required.
Copyright 2024 Koushik R rkoushik.14@gmail.com.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.