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tinker: Cylindrical Algebraic Decomposition
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gruhn committed Dec 30, 2023
1 parent 6e6732d commit 865e82a
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Showing 6 changed files with 280 additions and 43 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions SMT.cabal
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -24,6 +24,7 @@ library
, Theory.NonLinearRealArithmatic.Interval
, Theory.NonLinearRealArithmatic.IntervalUnion
, Theory.NonLinearRealArithmatic.Polynomial
, Theory.NonLinearRealArithmatic.UnivariatePolynomial
, Theory.NonLinearRealArithmatic.Constraint
, Theory.NonLinearRealArithmatic.BoundedFloating
, Theory.NonLinearRealArithmatic.IntervalConstraintPropagation
Expand Down
126 changes: 126 additions & 0 deletions src/Theory/NonLinearRealArithmatic/CAD.hs
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Expand Up @@ -3,3 +3,129 @@
module Theory.NonLinearRealArithmatic.CAD where

import Theory.NonLinearRealArithmatic.UnivariatePolynomial (UnivariatePolynomial, viewLeadTerm)
import qualified Theory.NonLinearRealArithmatic.UnivariatePolynomial as Uni
import Utils (adjacentPairs, count)
import Data.Maybe (maybeToList)
import Debug.Trace

data Interval a = Open a a | Closed a a

instance Show a => Show (Interval a) where
show (Open start end) = "(" ++ show start ++ "," ++ show end ++ ")"
show (Closed start end) = "[" ++ show start ++ "," ++ show end ++ "]"

getLowerBound :: Interval a -> a
getLowerBound = \case
Open lb _ -> lb
Closed lb _ -> lb

getUpperBound :: Interval a -> a
getUpperBound = \case
Open _ ub -> ub
Closed _ ub -> ub

isOpen :: Interval a -> Bool
isOpen (Open _ _) = True
isOpen (Closed _ _) = False

isClosed :: Interval a -> Bool
isClosed = not . isOpen

The Cauchy bound isolates the roots of a univariate polynomial down
to a closed interval. For example, a Cauchy bound of 15, means that
all roots are somewhere in the interval:
[-15, 15]
Returns `Nothing` if the polynomial only has a constant term.
Notice, if the polynomial is just a non-zero constant, it has no roots.
If it is zero, it's nothing but roots.
cauchyBound :: (Fractional a, Ord a) => UnivariatePolynomial a -> Maybe (Interval a)
cauchyBound polynomial = do
((_, max_degree_coeff), rest_polynomial) <- Uni.viewLeadTerm polynomial
let other_coeffs = map snd $ Uni.toList rest_polynomial
let bound = 1 + maximum [ abs (coeff / max_degree_coeff) | coeff <- other_coeffs ]
return $ Closed (-bound) bound

-- | With the Sturm sequence, we can count the number of roots in an interval.
sturmSequence :: forall a. (Fractional a, Ord a) => UnivariatePolynomial a -> [UnivariatePolynomial a]
sturmSequence polynomial = takeWhile (/= 0) $ go polynomial (Uni.derivative polynomial)
go :: UnivariatePolynomial a -> UnivariatePolynomial a -> [UnivariatePolynomial a]
go p1 p2 = p1 : go p2 (negate $ snd $ p1 `Uni.divide` p2)

countSignChanges :: (Eq a, Num a) => [a] -> Int
countSignChanges as = count (uncurry (/=)) $ adjacentPairs signs
where signs = filter (/= 0) $ map signum as

-- | Count the roots of a univariate polynomial using Sturm sequence in a given interval.
countRootsIn :: (Eq a, Num a) => [UnivariatePolynomial a] -> Interval a -> Int
countRootsIn sturm_seq interval =
polynomial = head sturm_seq

start = getLowerBound interval
end = getUpperBound interval

sign_changes_start = countSignChanges $ map (Uni.eval start) sturm_seq
sign_changes_end = countSignChanges $ map (Uni.eval end) sturm_seq

root_count = sign_changes_start - sign_changes_end
-- With the Sturm sequence we technically count the roots in the interval
-- (start, end]
-- That is, the interval is *open* on the side of the lower bound and *closed*
-- on the side of the upper bound.
case interval of
-- So to get the root count for the closed interval [start,end] we have to add
-- one, if `start` itself is a root.
Closed _ _ ->
if Uni.eval start polynomial == 0 then
root_count + 1

-- For the root count of the open interval (start,end) we have to subtract one
-- if `end` is itself a root.
Open _ _ ->
if Uni.eval end polynomial == 0 then
root_count - 1

split :: Fractional a => Interval a -> [Interval a]
split = \case
Open start end ->
let mid = (start + end) / 2 in
[ Open start mid
, Closed mid mid
, Open mid end

Closed start end ->
let mid = (start + end) / 2 in
[ Closed start start
, Open start mid
, Closed mid mid
, Open mid end
, Closed end end

isolateRoots :: forall a. (Fractional a, Ord a, Show a) => UnivariatePolynomial a -> [Interval a]
isolateRoots polynomial = concatMap go $ maybeToList $ cauchyBound polynomial
sturm_seq = sturmSequence polynomial

go :: Interval a -> [Interval a]
go interval
| root_count == 0 = []
| root_count == 1 = [ interval ]
| root_count >= 2 = concatMap go $ split interval
| otherwise = undefined
root_count = countRootsIn sturm_seq interval
44 changes: 7 additions & 37 deletions src/Theory/NonLinearRealArithmatic/Polynomial.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ module Theory.NonLinearRealArithmatic.Polynomial
, Monomial
, mkPolynomial
, exponentOf
, coefficientOf
, Term(..)
, modifyCoeff
, modifyMonomial
Expand All @@ -16,26 +17,22 @@ module Theory.NonLinearRealArithmatic.Polynomial
, fromExpr
, toExpr
, map
, degree
, termDegree
, Assignable(..)
, Assignment
, UnivariatePolynomial
, toUnivariate
) where

import Theory.NonLinearRealArithmatic.Expr (Expr(..), Var, BinaryOp(..), UnaryOp(..))
import qualified Data.List as L
import qualified Data.IntMap as M
import qualified Data.IntSet as S
import qualified Data.List as List
import Data.IntMap ( IntMap )
import Data.Function ( on )
import Data.Containers.ListUtils ( nubOrd )
import Control.Monad ( guard )
import Data.Maybe ( maybeToList )
import Data.Maybe ( maybeToList, fromMaybe )
import Prelude hiding (map)
import Control.Arrow ((&&&))
import Control.Exception (assert)

-- | Map of variables to integer exponents.
type Monomial = IntMap Int
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -63,6 +60,10 @@ modifyMonomial f (Term coeff monomial) = Term coeff (f monomial)

newtype Polynomial a = Polynomial { getTerms :: [Term a] }

coefficientOf :: Num a => Monomial -> Polynomial a -> a
coefficientOf monomial =
maybe 0 getCoeff . List.find ((== monomial) . getMonomial) . getTerms

In a normalized polynomial:
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -223,23 +224,6 @@ isLinear monomial = is_zero || is_unit
is_zero = null non_zero_exponents
is_unit = [1] == non_zero_exponents

termDegree :: Term a -> Int
termDegree = sum . getMonomial

degree :: (Num a, Ord a) => Polynomial a -> Int
degree = maximum . fmap termDegree . getTerms

-- TODO: does that make sense for multivariate polynomials?
cauchyBound :: (Fractional a, Ord a) => Polynomial a -> a
cauchyBound polynomial = 1 + maximum [ abs (coeff / top_coeff) | coeff <- coeffs ]
-- Extract highest degree term with non-zero coefficient.
(top_coeff : coeffs) =
filter (/= 0)
$ fmap getCoeff
$ List.sortOn (negate . termDegree)
$ getTerms polynomial

varsIn :: Polynomial a -> [Var]
varsIn (Polynomial terms) =
nubOrd (terms >>= M.keys . getMonomial)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -272,17 +256,3 @@ class Num a => Assignable a where
eval :: Assignment a -> Polynomial a -> a
eval assignment polynomial = sum (evalTerm assignment <$> getTerms polynomial)

type UnivariatePolynomial a = [ (Int, a) ]

Extracts list of exponent/coefficient pairs, sorted by exponent.
Returns Nothing, if the polynomial is multivariate.
toUnivariate :: Polynomial a -> Maybe (UnivariatePolynomial a)
toUnivariate polynomial =
case varsIn polynomial of
[ var ] -> Just
$ L.sortOn fst
$ fmap (exponentOf var . getMonomial &&& getCoeff)
$ getTerms polynomial
zero_or_two_or_more_vars -> Nothing
13 changes: 7 additions & 6 deletions src/Theory/NonLinearRealArithmatic/Subtropical.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -8,8 +8,9 @@ import qualified Data.IntMap as M
import qualified Data.IntMap.Merge.Lazy as MM
import Theory.NonLinearRealArithmatic.Constraint (Constraint, ConstraintRelation (..))
import Theory.NonLinearRealArithmatic.Expr (Expr (..), Var, BinaryOp (..), substitute)
import Theory.NonLinearRealArithmatic.Polynomial
import Theory.NonLinearRealArithmatic.Polynomial (Monomial, Polynomial (..), Assignment, Assignable (eval), Term (..), fromExpr, toExpr, varsIn)
import Control.Arrow ((&&&))
import qualified Theory.NonLinearRealArithmatic.UnivariatePolynomial as Univariate

The frame of a polynomial is a set of points, obtained from the
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -114,19 +115,19 @@ intermediateRoot polynomial neg_sol pos_sol =

t_roots :: [a]
t_roots =
case toUnivariate t_polynomial of
case Univariate.toList <$> Univariate.fromPolynomial t_polynomial of
Nothing -> error "Polynomial should be univariate by construction"
-- linear polynomial ==> solve directly for t
Just [ (0, c), (1, b) ] -> [ - b/c ]
Just [ (0, c), (1, b) ] -> [- b/c ]
-- quadratic polynomial ==> apply quadratic formula
Just [ (0, c), (1, b), (2, a) ] ->
Just [ (0, c), (1, b), (2, a) ] ->
[ (-b + sqrt (b^2 - 4*a*c)) / (2*a)
, (-b - sqrt (b^2 - 4*a*c)) / (2*a) ]
-- TODO: higher degree polynomial ==> use bisection?
Just higher_degree_polynomial -> error "TODO: subtropical does not support higher degree polynomials yet"

t_solution :: Assignment a
t_solution =
t_solution =
case L.find (\t' -> 0 <= t' && t' <= 1) t_roots of
Just value -> M.singleton t value
Nothing -> error "No solution for t between 0 and 1"
Expand All @@ -141,7 +142,7 @@ subtropical (Equals, polynomial) =
-- assignment that maps all variables to one
one :: Assignment a
one = M.fromList $ zip (varsIn polynomial) (repeat 1)
one = M.fromList $ map (, 1) (varsIn polynomial)

go :: Assignment a -> Polynomial a -> Maybe (Assignment a)
go neg_sol polynomial = intermediateRoot polynomial neg_sol <$> positiveSolution polynomial
Expand Down
127 changes: 127 additions & 0 deletions src/Theory/NonLinearRealArithmatic/UnivariatePolynomial.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,127 @@
module Theory.NonLinearRealArithmatic.UnivariatePolynomial
( term
, constant
-- WARN: don't expose type constructor to make sure invariants are enforced
, UnivariatePolynomial
, viewLeadTerm
, lookupLeadTerm
, toList
, fromList
, fromPolynomial
, toPolynomial
, derivative
, divide
, eval
) where

import Theory.NonLinearRealArithmatic.Polynomial (Polynomial)
import qualified Theory.NonLinearRealArithmatic.Polynomial as P
import Data.IntMap (IntMap)
import qualified Data.IntMap as M
import Control.Exception (assert)
import qualified Data.List as List
import Utils (assertM, adjacentPairs, count)

-- TODO: property test: never contains zero coefficients
newtype UnivariatePolynomial a = Univariate { getTerms :: IntMap a }
deriving Eq

instance Show a => Show (UnivariatePolynomial a) where
show (Univariate terms) =
List.intercalate " + " [ show coeff ++ "x^" ++ show exp | (exp, coeff) <- M.toDescList terms ]

term :: (Eq a, Num a) => Int -> a -> UnivariatePolynomial a
term exp coeff
| coeff == 0 = Univariate M.empty
| otherwise = Univariate $ M.singleton exp coeff

constant :: (Eq a, Num a) => a -> UnivariatePolynomial a
constant = term 0

-- | Extract term with largest exponent.
viewLeadTerm :: (Eq a, Num a) => UnivariatePolynomial a -> Maybe ((Int, a), UnivariatePolynomial a)
viewLeadTerm polynomial = do
((exp, coeff), rest_terms) <- M.maxViewWithKey $ getTerms polynomial
-- assume that polynomial is normalized and that all terms with zero coefficient are removed:
assertM (coeff /= 0)
return ((exp, coeff), Univariate rest_terms)

lookupLeadTerm :: (Eq a, Num a) => UnivariatePolynomial a -> Maybe (Int, a)
lookupLeadTerm = fmap fst . viewLeadTerm

-- | Largest exponent of term with non-zero coefficient in the polynomial.
degree :: (Eq a, Num a, Show a) => UnivariatePolynomial a -> Int
degree = maybe 0 fst . lookupLeadTerm

instance (Num a, Eq a) => Num (UnivariatePolynomial a) where
Univariate p + Univariate q = Univariate $ M.filter (/= 0) $ M.unionWith (+) p q

Univariate p * Univariate q = Univariate $ M.fromList $ do
(exp_p, coeff_p) <- M.toList p
(exp_q, coeff_q) <- M.toList q
assertM $ coeff_p /= 0 && coeff_q /= 0
return (exp_p + exp_q, coeff_p * coeff_q)

abs = error "TODO: not implemented"

signum = error "TODO: not implemented"

fromInteger = constant . fromInteger

negate (Univariate p) = Univariate $ negate p

-- | From list of exponent/coefficient pairs.
fromList :: [(Int, a)] -> UnivariatePolynomial a
fromList = Univariate . M.fromList

-- | So list of exponent/coefficient pairs, ascendingly ordered by exponents.
toList :: UnivariatePolynomial a -> [(Int, a)]
toList = M.toAscList . getTerms

-- | Extracts univariate polynomial. Returns `Nothing` if the polynomial is multivariate.
fromPolynomial :: forall a. (Num a, Eq a) => Polynomial a -> Maybe (UnivariatePolynomial a)
fromPolynomial polynomial =
case P.varsIn polynomial of
-- polynomial is just a constant:
[] -> Just $ constant $ P.coefficientOf M.empty polynomial

-- polynomial has exactly one variable:
[ var ] -> Just $ Univariate $ M.fromList $ do
P.Term coeff monomial <- P.getTerms polynomial
let exp = P.exponentOf var monomial
return (exp, coeff)

-- polynomial has two or more variables:
_two_or_more_variables -> Nothing

toPolynomial :: (Num a, Ord a) => UnivariatePolynomial a -> Polynomial a
toPolynomial polynomial = P.mkPolynomial $ do
(exp, coeff) <- M.toList $ getTerms polynomial
return $ P.Term coeff (M.singleton 0 exp)

eval :: Num a => a -> UnivariatePolynomial a -> a
eval x (Univariate terms) = sum [ coeff * x^exp | (exp, coeff) <- M.toList terms ]

derivative :: forall a. Num a => UnivariatePolynomial a -> UnivariatePolynomial a
derivative (Univariate polynomial) = Univariate $ M.fromList
[ (exp-1, coeff * fromIntegral exp) | (exp, coeff) <- M.toList polynomial, exp > 0 ]

-- | Perform polynomial division and return both quotient and remainder.
-- TODO: property test division/multiplication.
divide :: forall a. (Fractional a, Eq a) => UnivariatePolynomial a -> UnivariatePolynomial a -> (UnivariatePolynomial a, UnivariatePolynomial a)
divide dividend divisor = go 0 dividend
go :: UnivariatePolynomial a -> UnivariatePolynomial a -> (UnivariatePolynomial a, UnivariatePolynomial a)
go quotient remainder =
case (lookupLeadTerm remainder, lookupLeadTerm divisor) of
(_, Nothing) -> error "division by zero in polynomial division"

(Nothing, _) -> (quotient, 0)

(Just (rem_exp, rem_coeff), Just (div_exp, div_coeff)) ->
if rem_exp < div_exp then
(quotient, remainder)
let quot_term = term (rem_exp - div_exp) (rem_coeff / div_coeff)
in go (quotient + quot_term) (remainder - quot_term * divisor)

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