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amobiz edited this page Feb 25, 2016 · 1 revision

Gulp Task

A gulp task is a plain JavaScript function that returns promises, observables, child processes or streams, or call done() callback when finished. Starting from gulp 4.0, a gulp task takes undefined as context.

function gulpTask(done) {
    assert(this === null);
    // do things ...

You register a gulp task using gulp.task() method.


And then run it in CLI.

$ gulp gulpTask

Configurable Task

A configurable task has the same signature as normal gulp task, but be called with an object: { gulp, config, upstream } as context.

// Note: You don't write configurable task but configuration.
// The plugin generates configurable task for you.
function configurableTask(done) {

You don't write configurable tasks, instead, you create a configurable task by defining a configuration, and call chef() function.

var gulp = require('gulp');
var chef = require('gulp-chef');
var meals = chef({
    scripts: {
        src: 'src/**/*.js',
        dest: 'dist/'


This generates a configurable task called "scripts" for you. The chef() function returns a gulp registry. You can access the "scripts" configurable task via meals.get('scripts'). But normally you call gulp.registry() to register all available tasks in the registry.


Once you call gulp.registry(), you can run registered tasks in CLI.

$ gulp scripts

When invoked, the configurable task will be called with the configuration defined with it, some kind of like this:{
    gulp: gulp,
    config: {
        src: 'src/**/*.js',
        dest: 'dist/'
}, done);

Also note that in this example, the "scripts" entry in the configuration is the module name of a recipe, that must be present in your project's "gulp" folder, or of a plugin, that must be installed. Check out Writing Recipes and Using Plugins for more information.

Configurable Recipe

A configurable recipe is, a configurable and reusable gulp task, that has the same signature as normal gulp task, but be called with an object: { gulp, config, upstream } as context. A configurable recipe is the function you actually write and reuse. In fact, a "configurable task" is simply a wrapper that calls "configurable recipe" with exactly the same name.

function scripts(done) {
    // Note: you have asscess to the gulp instance.
    var gulp = this.gulp;
    // Note: you can access configuration via 'config' property.
    var config = this.config;

    // do things ...

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